Jake's Note

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The police found the following note in Jake's pocket.

Dear Father,

Are you happy now? I mean, you no longer have to break my bones, or spend your precious time beating me. That leaves you plenty of lonely nights to slowly drink yourself to death....

Dear Florence,

I'm so sorry I didn't save you. I could have saved you. I'm so sorry.

Dear Jaylnn,

I love you, and I've already told you everything you need to know.

Dear Jake,

You got what you wanted. That's right, you got nothing. Your dream has finally come true. Nightmare's over.

Dear whoever is reading this,

If you truly want to understand, I have a journal. It'll probably make you depressed. Sorry. It's on my desk. I don't care who reads it. Burn it if you want, and I'll never know.

My brother is gone. Don't look for him. I promise you he's safe. He's where he needs to be. If I knew he wasn't safe, I wouldn't have done this.

Just so you know, nobody will come to my funeral. Don't bother planning one. I don't deserve one. Sorry again.

"Goodbye world, and all that I've dealt."

Yours Truly,

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