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Hi everyone!!!


I want to tell you something that this month I will publish 'Scarlett' .

Xavier Lim is the bonus character in this CHAPTER and other chapters (a few of course).

This CHAPTER starts only five characters in this story.


This five characters are main in this book.

Are you going to miss Paul and Selva?

Let me know in the comment section!!!

But...they included in this CHAPTER.



Sixteen year old Miltda was writing a poem while Anusha and Creasy were searching something on Google. They were also written some poems. Last year, Paul and Selva had been wrote two different poems for school magazine. This year, they had chance to write a poem. Miltda wrote a poem about books, Anusha wrote a poem about foods and Creasy wrote a poem about hobbies. Miltda also wanted to write an article about social media.

Paul and Selva finished their school year, waiting for their results.

'Remember we are alone. There's nothing to be afraid.' Creasy said as she write a story.

'What's that, Creasy?' Anusha asked as she paused to write a story.

'What's up?' Miltda asked.

'I'm writing a story about three students stuck in the forest and they trying to survive until they found their way to home.' Creasy said.

'I'm just writing about my future life.' Anusha said while she made a small giggle.

'I finished the poem and the article but we need someone judge our works. Paul can judge us.'

'Miltda...Selva also can judge them.'

'How about Mrs Rina?' Creasy asked.

'Mrs Rina always tells every young writers to publish everything they want but they want ma'am help...just choose a piece of work...because they wrote millions of poems and articles...and stories, too.' Miltda said .

Anusha said:'Last time, Selva and Paul did the same thing like other students. For us...we can ask them.'

'Anu! You are trying to beg them!' Miltda said while laughed lightly.

Anusha's face turned pink in embarrassment.

Creasy smiled. Miltda stood up from her desk chair and collected all the drafts. Then, she put them in a file and carried it with her. Anusha and Creasy were adjusted their outfits. They went out from Builder family house. Miltda locked up all doors and windows, made sure that all electric appliances were off and kept al the main tap shut.

They went to Selva's house. Anusha pressed the bell button. The doorbell rang loudly as Selva opened the door. 'Hi girls...'he said as he astonished to meet Anusha, Miltda and Creasy.

'Where's Paul?' Miltda asked while pushed Selva aside and ran for searching Paul around the house.

'Hey! Dude...'said a new male voice. 'What the fucking hell is going on?' He walked out from his bedroom and found Miltda.

Suddenly, he recognized Miltda and switched his serious face to happy. He smiled and said:'Hello Miltda!'

'Hello Paul! Nice to meet you.' Miltda said excitedly as her stomach filled with butterflies.

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