A letter to someone

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(footage begins)

"hello? is this thing on?" Saphera taps on the lens of the camera to try to bring it into focus. She then turns around and pulls up a chair and sets it in front of the camera then sits down.

"this is a letter to someone, a letter i have been needing to write for a long time, but it is not getting written. at least not the way you want it" Saphera smiles and crosses her legs. "I feel like you need to know, but the only way to tell you is from something that should be written on paper. but since that is not happening any time soon, this will do." She shifts in her seat. "this is for that someone, you know who you are." Saphera points at the camera. "I just wanted to let you know, you have always been there for me, you have always had my back, even if those times you where also threatening to beat me with a stick you have always been there for me. You have also been the bestest friend anyone could have, you have been like the only person who has ever got me. you know when to be serious and know when to laugh and choke on your doughnut. you also know what to say when i was in hard times... You have always been there for me and i have always tried to be there for you. I would die waiting to get wifi back, or to steal a computer to contact you, or see if you tried to contact me. And i want to let you know to not change who you are even if you are pressured. and to not listen to dweebs and jerks, but to listen to your inner self. and to listen to that small voice called a conscious and not ignore what it has to say. just be you, and don't change who you are, always be the person i came to know" Saphera smiles and walks up to the camera turning it off.

(footage has ended)

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