Chapter 1075: Blind Date

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Peter was slightly stunned.

Alexander also glanced downstairs, and then laughed: "Mia, why are you here?"

Mia has grown into a little woman, but her physique has always made her thin and small.

On her pointed melon face, the big watery eyes make people want to defend her when they look at her, and they don't want her to be bullied.

At this moment, Alexander looked over and saw that there seemed to be a flash of sadness in Mia's eyes, but he didn't think much about it, after all, her appearance looked as if she was going to cry in the next second.

Mia nodded at Alexander, then her gaze crossed Peter, and then she spoke: "I brought you a gift."

After that, she glanced upstairs: "Is Cherry okay?"

"Women, it's more troublesome to change clothes." Alexander said.

Peter smiled: "I bet she must be playing a game and delaying time."

Alexander nodded: "I guess too."

Peter looked at Mia: "Mia, you go upstairs to remind her, otherwise, the guests are coming, but it's not good that she doesn't go downstairs."


Mia lowered her head, and when she passed by Peter, her eyes secretly glanced at him, and saw that Peter was also looking at her. Mia immediately withdrew her gaze.

Although the two began to know each other in kindergarten at the age of five, in fact, if you think about it, they don't have much time to see each other now.

Peter, Alexander, and Cheryl were all genius children, and Mia looked much more ordinary compared to them.

She has been working very hard and trying to catch up with them, but she has never been able to catch up.

Mia went upstairs and saw Nora and Justin talking at the door, so she greeted the two of them, and then entered Cheryl's bedroom.

Sure enough, she wore a dress half-on her body, and she was playing games with a game console in her hand.

Seeing Mia come in, Cheryl immediately said with a radiant look: "Mia, perfect timing, hurry up and help me pull up the zipper."

When Mia saw her like this, she couldn't help but laugh.

Even if Cheryl grows up, she is still the same as when she was a child, cute and tenacious.

Mia is obviously a few months younger than Cheryl, but in front of her, she always looks like a gentle big sister, she walked behind Cheryl, helped her pull the dress zipper and then spoke: "Hurry downstairs, the guests are here, it's not good if you delay like this."


Cheryl reluctantly quit the game, and then followed Mia downstairs.

When they arrived downstairs, the guests were already chatting with Peter and Alexander.

The elders sat in the lounge.

Cheryl couldn't help but say, "Mia, do you see?" So many people that I don't know very well, it's boring."

"You can endure it, stay for half an hour and go back upstairs."


Cheryl looked around again: "Princess Daisy didn't come this year, it's a pity~"

Mia also liked Princess Daisy and nodded when she heard this.

The two were about to speak, but Tanya suddenly led a young man over.

Tanya's face was smiling, and her body that danced all year round made her figure in shape, and she maintained it very well, she said directly: "Mia, come, I'll help you introduce him~"

In the distance, Alexander and Peter noticed the situation over there.

Alexander suddenly smiled: "What age is this, why did my aunt give Mia a blind date?"

Blind date?

Peter's eyes sank slightly.

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