Chapter 1095: Drinking Too Much

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Justin's attitude was calm and relaxed.

Nora, who was watching, rolled her eyes again: "I don't know, but he must have encountered some trouble, I originally planned to listen to his embarrassment, but I didn't say anything."

Nora sat on the bed and stretched: "Alas, I'm going to sleep, you go and care about your son!"

Justin still wanted to stick to his wife, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw that Nora was asleep and breathing evenly.

Justin: "..."

She didn't sleep so fast before.

But these years, life has become more and more stable, she has slept very steadily, especially at home. By his side, not only falls asleep quickly, but also does not wake up easily.

Justin really didn't know whether to be happy that he had brought security to his wife, or sad that his wife ignored him.

He went into the bathroom, washed his face, and then went out.

His wife had assigned him a task.

Justin came to Peter's room, knocked on the door, but found that there was no one.

He went to Cheryl's room, and saw that his daughter slept soundly, and Peter was not here, so he went to find Alexander.

Alexander was sitting on the sofa in his room, holding an international conference.

As soon as Justin entered the door, he raised his eyebrows when he saw his son in a meeting.

Alexander immediately stood up: "Dad, you came right in time, help me..."

Before he finished speaking, Justin turned around and walked out: "I'm not King, nor am I a member of the Imperial Alliance, your organization, you take care of it yourself, don't look for me."

Alexander: "But you are my father!"

Justin coughed: "Don't you have another father?" Let him help you, you can't be lazy!"

He slipped away.

Alexander: "..."

The nerve of this guy!

Justin closed the door of Alexander's room, and then sneered.


He had finally handed over this organization.

Besides, with Trueman helping Alexander manage, he was very relieved!

Justin walked around the house again and did not see Peter anywhere.

He simply went to the underground cellar.

When the two sons were minors, how could they hide the matter of secretly drinking alcohol? His son has grown up, and he doesn't want to manage it too strictly, as long as Nora doesn't know, he doesn't get angry, it's rare to be drunk!

Entering the cellar, he heard a voice from the corner.

Justin walked over and saw Peter sitting on the ground, sure enough, he was drinking, paralyzed there.

Justin frowned, looked to the side, and saw that his son had drunk two bottles of wine.

It seems that depression is not light.

He didn't know what kind of bumps he had encountered emotionally.

Justin walked over, straightened the wine bottle that had fallen to the ground, and then sat next to Peter.

Peter looked at him and shouted nervously: "Dad."

Justin patted him on the shoulder, then took out another bottle of wine, opened it and took out a cup and handed it to him: "Drink slowly, this wine is too strong, it's easy to get drunk."

Poured himself another cup and held it up to Peter.

Peter suddenly smiled with relief.

His dad has always been the best father in the world.

The two took a sip and drank the glass one by one.

After a while, Peter became drunk, and he shouted with drunken eyes: "Mia..."

Justin immediately looked at him.

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