Learning What Will Befall Him

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(One thing I want to mention is that Jaune is the youngest in the family so remember that) 

(No One's POV)

A little six year old lad named Jaune Arc was a outcast to not only his family but also his family's council because of how they all believed he had no skill or power whatsoever to become a huntsman like the rest of his family who are well known legends across Remnant but Jaune's family viewed him as a pathetic waste of skin with no potential to become anything but a failure in life. Well almost his entire family but there was one who stood by his side no matter what: Saphron Arc, his older sister that actually loved him as compared to the rest of his scumbag family. Saphron always looked after Jaune to the point that she might as well have been his mother since she was the one who bathed him when he was a baby to even feeding him to his current age as his mother refused to even acknowledge that she had a son she believed wouldn't mount to anything and as much as that irritated Saphron that the parents wouldn't aid their only son who was also the youngest all of them, she unfortunately couldn't do anything about it since her parents were adamant that Jaune would forever be weak and the remaining siblings just bossed him around and made him do stupid things for their own entertainment. Right now Jaune was heading to his room after a day of school where the principal would target him due to finding out about his bloodline but also about his lack of power to back anything up while the staff did nothing but at times laugh or even add to the pain he received for something that wasn't his fault but he just laid on his bed in a room where a child couldn't possibly have any kind of fun due to how barren it was with no TV, no games or even him having a scroll to use, just a bed with no pillows and a dresser. Suddenly the door opened with his "father" coming in and looking at Jaune with stern eyes that hid anger behind them.

Joseph:" Jaune, I heard from your principal you've been causing disturbances in classes and that isn't how we raised you. So as punishment you are to stay in your room right when you get back from school for the next four weeks. Understand?"

Jaune simply nodded his head since arguing only got him in more trouble and one time slapped in the face by his own mother so since then he stopped calling her mom and just called her ma'am. What makes arguing worse was that if it was with his sisters he is always the one blamed and even those days not fed by his own kin. Jaune laid back down only for someone else to enter the room but this time it was someone he actually was happy to see, his older sister Saphron who had a tray of food with her. She smiled seeing Jaune still up but her smile was tinged with sadness knowing he was punished for nothing from their arrogant prideful father.

Saphron:" Hey Jaune, I got some food here for you and I know you are hungry so here a simple cheeseburger, some chips, a salad and a glass of iced tea and please Jaune, don't worry about our "father" he won't hurt you as long as I am here."

Jaune:" O-Okay."

Jaune was then lifted up and placed on Saphron's lap since she had become fond of being Jaune's surrogate mother so she also had to feed him for the past six years of his life and genuinely enjoyed it so she continued doing it. Jaune started with the burger and scarfed it down since he lost his food at school because of a known bully having stolen it from him but suddenly he got a piece of ketchup on his lip but the smile he gave after eating the burger warmed up Saphron's heart before she wiped the ketchup off with her thumb.

Saphron:" I know it's good sweetie but please don't make a mess, you know how mother gets when a single mess happens or when we're not in dressing up to her standards."

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