Motivational Training

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Chainsaw Man
DC (A Little)
God Of War (A Little)
Soul Calibur
My Hero Academia
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Mortal Kombat
A Array of Other Animes

Siblings By Ranking
Artemis Taurus- Eldest And Stands 6'4
Bryce Wisteria- Second Eldest And Stands 6'2
Naomi Wisteria- Third Eldest And Stand 6'0
Heather Wisteria- Second Youngest And Stands 6'0
Dabi Redgrave/Nero Redgrave- Twins But Dabi Is A Few Hours Older- Dabi Stands 6'3 And Nero Stands 6'4

(No One's POV)

Nero woke up in Artemis's chest and that caused his face to become a crimson red before he tried to get out of her vice like grip with no avail. He looked back up and noticed that Artemis looked very cute sleeping with her little horns in his view when suddenly he felt her grip on him tighten and her strength was no joke but luckily she woke up.

Artemis*Yawns*:" Morning Nero, sorry for holding you like this but you were so soft and nice to snuggle with. Thank you for keeping me warm for the night."

Nero*Blushes Shit Ton*:" Uuuuhhhhh, I got to go talk to da-Vergil yeah Vergil!"

Nero ran outside where he saw Seraphina awake and seemingly sitting on the grass before opening her eyes and seeing Nero so she stood up and hugged her new son.

Seraphina:" Good morning my baby boy! How did you sleep?"

Nero:" Okay ma- I mean miss I me-

Seraphina*Giggles*:" You can just call me Seraphina darling until you are comfortable. No need to rush things. Now you should meet your new auntie."

 Vergil:" Rushing doesn't bring any progress Nero, just failure so calm yourself and follow me to where you will meet my trusted colleagues and your other teachers."

Vergil walked while Nero was shocked to haven't not noticed that Vergil had just popped out of nowhere but followed nonetheless while having excited thoughts when he heard he had a aunt since he never had one before but after walking for eight minutes, they stopped in a large clearing in a forest where he met a tall man with green hair and a stoic look, another tall man with long white hair, cat like eyes and two swords, a woman that looked a lot like Vergil with a red trench coat and finally a girl around his age with white hair and blue eyes.

Vergil walked while Nero was shocked to haven't not noticed that Vergil had just popped out of nowhere but followed nonetheless while having excited thoughts when he heard he had a aunt since he never had one before but after walking for eight min...

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