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A/N whoever is still reading this story still it would mean a lot if you  guys could always read my story it;s a peaky blinder one Called she's like the wind

Thomas sat on his plane renting an apartment for a few months  under a fake name,  He knew that one way or another  he was going to get his haley back. After making the reservation he planned to buy her all her favorite gifts that he remembered that she loved, and said her a few messages letting her know that he was there. When the time came  and it will Haley will be his,  finishing up his plans he sat back in his seat thinking, first when  he get's her back they would sell that house of her's  near that silly little ranch then they will move somewhere else, Maybe italy or maybe somewhere in the Rocky Mountains and then once they were settled they can have Evelyn join them or just  have one of there own. Hearing the pilot make an announcement that they were landing soon, Thomas smirked to himself as he leaned back more in his chair " We will be together soon my love" He looked out the window as the plane landed. Once he landed her grabbed his bag off the plane and got off getting into the car that was waiting for him he got in and they headed off to the apartment  and wait til he would start to make his appearance

Haley pulled up to  the ranch as she smiled, no matter how many times she pulled up to the ranch it was still breath taking. Pulling up  next to Beth's car , haley and Evelyn hopped out of her car linking arms together they walked into the house "where here" Haley yelled out as they walked into the living room  seeing beth sitting on the couch" I heard we were missed?" She smiled as they Evelyn hugged her aunt, before walking out to  go down to the barn. Haley sat next to beth  putting her feet up on the coffee table " where's your dad?" Beth looked at haley " he's out he will be back soon" Haley smiled softly " awesome, we will be joining you guys for dinner" Beth nodded as she sat up straight" Kacey okay with this" Haley shrugged " I would be soon, he told me to stop by. But i just  invited myself to the dinner" Beth laughed" nothing new  there" Haley smiled "Nope, but i was thinking that  we all have a fire pit at my house this weekend it would be fun?" Haley looked at beth. " that sounds like a plan, I'll set it up" Beth nodded, they both heard the door shut and the sound of boots  on the floor walking towards the living room " Mr. Dutton your having more guest for dinner" John chuckled  as he walked into the living room " im not surprised," he walked over and poured himself a glass to drink " Now where's that granddaughter of mine" Haley smiled at him " she's out' by the barn, im actually surprising her with a FaceTime call tonight with my siblings" John sat across from them " how are they doing by the way" Haley looked at john "they are doing great, im trying to get them to come up here  for Evelyn's birthday party this weekend. By the way i ordered stuff and had it  sent here" John nodded taking a sip of his drink

Evelyn  was out watching the horses as the wranglers  worked with them and trained them, she loved being here and watching all the horses. And spending time with her family." Hey little trouble maker" Evelyn looked over and smiled seeing Llyod walked over towards her " Hey old man" He chuckled as he leaned on the fence next to her "what brings you here?" Evelyn looked at him then back at the horses " we  came by to see everyone and to have dinner, plus i get to see the horses again"  Llyod smiled watching to cowboys with her " you love this place just like your mom" Evelyn smiled and nodded " I do love it here, wish i group up here" Llyod nodded " and when you come back here it feel's like home" Evelyn smiled " exactly, welp i looked at the horses long enough. I'm going to go see about dinner I'll catch you later Llyod " She waved good bye as she headed back up to the house

As gator set the table evelyn walked in hearing the laughing from the living room" what's so funny in here" Evelyn sat next to her grandfather "we were just talking about old times with everyone growing up" her mom smiled at her " and  giving me a heads up about the bone fire they were all having  which if you like when they have it you can sleep here" John told his grand daughter " that be great grandpa" She smiled as gator came in the room and told them all that dinner was ready. They all head into the  dining room and sat at  the table, Kayce pulled up to the ranch after a long day at the office. Getting out of his truck her headed inside once he was inside he heard laughter, smiling to himself he headed towards the dining room he saw his family, smiling to himself he thought about how his life could of been like if things were different back then " whats so funny that you all are laughing at?" he asked as he walked into the dining and sat next to his daughter. Evelyn smiled and side hugged her dad "we were talking about you guys and also mom was telling funny story's about me growing up also talking about my party this weekend"

Kayce smiled " You excited for it?" Evelyn smiled " Yes specially since all you guys will be there" Haley smiled at Evelyn and kayce, there were days she hated herself for running away during the night. Everything  would of been different Evelyn would of grew up with the life Haley had and most importantly she would of never had met Tommy, and she would of never had to deal with the stalking and the abuse. She knows why she did it, but there's always the bit of regret in her.  Haley was brought back to reality from her the sound of her daughter voice "Sorry what" Evelyn smiled " can we stay for dessert and then go home please" Haley laughed "of course"  She smiled softly at her daughter, she new they were safe. Being back on the ranch and  being surrounded by her family and friends but  she couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen to ruin the progress and happiness that they have right now

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