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As Shawn and Julianna landed they took there stuff together and walked off the plane, lucky as they got there Beth was there waiting for them. " I would say it's great seeing you guys" Beth said as she hugged julianna and shawn before helping them get there bags in the car. Shawn nodded " We need to stop at the those before going to the ranch, there's a few things we want to check first" Beth nodded as they all got in the car heading towards the house " so how bad is it with haley?" Beth asked them, Julianna sighed " well it' depends on what we find at the house" Shawn nodded as they drove " and they we will tell you all, but for now we aren't getting into  it" He looked out the window as they continued driving, there was one promise we made to his parents at their funeral  that he would protect his sisters. He felt like he failed them specially with everything that happened to Haley. He promised haley he would protect her but he failed her shaking his head  he looked in the rear view mirror at his other sister

As they pulled up in front of the house  both the Bennett siblings got the chills for one seeing there parent's house that they haven't seen in years and two if they would find out if  there sister was taken. They all got out of the car as Shawn turned to Beth " Beth can me and Julianna do this on our own, we will be out  back soon" Beth nodded " Of course" Shawn looked at his sister as they headed towards the house walking past the car they saw her bag on the floor  next to the car that was a sign. Getting up to the front door Shawn looked at his sister " You ready?" Julianna took a deep breath" No but we have to" Shawn nodded as he walked into the house  seeing how the house was in front of them .They both got the worse feeling in the pit of there stomach, walking around into all the rooms they saw  everything knocked over and  things broken, getting into Haley's room they looked around "There has to be something she left as a clue just to confirm it" Julianna said as she wiped her tears away " Knowing her she did, but we know who did this" Shawn said as he took a look under the bed finding everything that was left to her from Tommy and her phone with a recording. " I found something" Shawn said looking at Julianna show her everything before hitting the recording on the phone hearing the fighting and there sister screaming on the other end  " Stop fighting me Haley your only going to make it worse" they heard Tommy say as they heard her sister screaming

Julianna sniffled as she wiped her tears away as Shawn wrapped his arm around his sister" He got her Shawn, Tommy got her and he could of taken her anywhere out here how are we going to find her" Shawn looked at his sister " Julianna we will find her but first we have to go tell John and all of them, so they can help us" Julianna looked at him " What if we don't make it in time " Shawn shook his head"we can't  think like that we will find her" He hugged his sister before they both headed out towards  Beth " Beth We need to get to the ranch fast it's serious" Shawn said  has they all got in the car heading tot he ranch. Shawn held onto everything he found as they headed towards the ranch  the only. Thing on his mind was  hoping they weren't to late and that they would make it to her in time, shaking his head he couldn't think like that he needed to be strong for haley for Evelyn for Julianna. Knowing  with the Dutton's on there side they would find her quickly

As they pulled up to the ranch Shawn has his niece sitting on the porch with Kayce, something he never thought he would see. As the car came to a stop Shawn got out followed but Julianna and Beth. Evelyn saw her uncle and aunt getting out of the car, running up to her uncle she hugged him tightly and she started crying "Hey Uncle Shawn" Shawn hugged his niece " hey Evie we will find her" Evelyn looked up at her uncle and nodded before hugging her aunt. Shawn walked up towards Kayce who was now joined by John, Rip, Jamie and Ashton. He took a deep breath as he looked at them as Ashton walked over to Julianna to hug her "There's a lot i need to tell you all about  Involving Haley and recent event's." he looked over them his eyes landing on John "well let's go inside" John said as they all headed into the living room " I think we are all going to need a drink" Beth said as she walked over to pour a drink, everyone sat on the couch as Shawn stood  placing everything on the table " After we got off the plane beth got us and brought us to our old house. You guys already know she's been taken" Shawn looked around his eyes landing on his niece Julianna spoke before her brother could " The thing is you guys don't know anything about what happened while she was in texas" Evelyn and Ashton looked at each other before they both spoke up " It was Tommy wasn't it" Rip and the dutton's all looked at them as Shawn sighed nodding "Yes, i got a called yesterday from my contact that they haven't seen him in a while and then the phone call from her" He took a deep breath "She wasn't sure if he was here but before all these the same thing was happening before he took her the last time" Kayce looked up at shawn "What do you mean took her last time? Shawn what the hell are  you talking about?"

Julianna looked at Kayce "We told her to tell you guys or even just Rip this guy is dangerous" Evelyn got up standing next to her uncle "When he took mom last time, he had her taken her across state lines. We had everyone looking for her it took us a little bit  to find her" Shawn looked at his niece and then  at everyone else "By the time we got to her it was almost two late, now he is a clever guy. He'll send hints to  where she is our only hope is because he doesn't know  the area we can get her back fast" Kayce stood up looking at Julianna and Shawn "You guys both know how she is with telling people anything that might bother anyone else and tries to handle things on her own." John looked up at his son as he spoke " How long was he in there life for and what the hell happened! And did he touch my daughter" Evelyn looked at her dad " No mom made sure of that once the abuse and everything start" Ashton stood up next to Evelyn " It all started three years into their relationship and to got worse over time there was many times she ended up in the hospital"  Ashton looked at Kayce " She was scared to leave him, she was scared that he would come find you Kayce" Julianna wiped the tears from her eyes " the day he took her  I had Evelyn for the night, Haley was going to end things with him for many reasons she was done being a punching bag and the whole time she was with him her heart belong to someone else" Kayce walked over towards the fire place

"You know  you guys should of called us the second this guy laid a hand on her! We would of taken care of it better then you guys would of" Shawn glared at him "Kayce we understand they were are pissed and worried but so are we!" Kayce walked over towards him "It doesn't matter you should of protected her! And once you both knew that everyone knew she was back or before she got here called rip and told him!" Shawn moved closer to him " You don't think I regret not doing anything of that! I thought this was handled" Kayce grabbed the empty chair knocking it over . John shot up looking at his son "Kayce you need to calm down now! We will find her" Kayce looked at his father " what happens if we don't find her huh! What if we don't find Haley in time? I can't lose her again dad! Evelyn can't loose her mom. I can't loose my best friend and the woman that i love" John looked at him "I understand that but right now your daughter needs you, take care of her and we will handle this once you've calm down" John looked at rip and Shawn. " Let's all go down to the bunk house, Kayce will join us after he calm's down" Kayce watched as they left as he went over to hug his daughter "we will find her i promise" Evelyn hugged him back

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