Episode 29 Reimagined

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Meerab woke up to find her husband gone. He left earlier than usual, which meant he was taking pains to avoid her. She grabbed her phone to call him but stopped. It's not like he would pick up her call. She had called him multiple times yesterday, but Murtasim kept ignoring her. The man was testing her patience. Never in her life she had made such efforts to talk to someone or explain her side but she wanted Murtasim to understand, she would much rather he yelled at her, asked her questions so they could have it out instead of assuming the worst about her but he kept ignoring her. She can deal with anger and arguments, but his indifference pained her. Meerab decided to wait him out. He would come home eventually and would have to face her. After all, she was his wife - Murtasim couldn't ignore her forever.

She found Mariyam in the sitting area - the one person in this madhouse who could help her. Meerab approached Mariyam and asked what Murtasim's favorite food was, only to have the latter raise her eyebrows at her in suspicion. It was a known fact that Meerab wasn't fond of cooking. "Bhai isn't fussy. He eats everything. what's special today?" Meerab sighed."Yes, but what food makes his mood better? Mariyam frowned and asked, "Why is bhai in a bad mood, though? Meerab was about to respond when Maa Begum asked, "Yes, why is Murtasim in a bad mood? Did something happen in Karachi?"Ji Nahi, wo to bas aaj mera khana banane ka man kar raha tha to socha sabki pasand puch lu," Meraab replied hurriedly. Maa Begum smiled and said, "Murtasim loves Biryani and kheer."Great, I'll start cooking then," Meerab responded and hurried to the kitchen before her mother in law could ask more questions.

Meerab set the table and was waiting for Murtasim when Mariyam came in "Wow Bhabhi, food looks great! In fact, not just food, you are all decked up too...aaj to bhai ki khair nahi, " she said with a wink. Meerab could feel her face heating up. She just shook her head and smiled at her sister in law. Marium, being the tactful soul she was picked up her plate and insisted on eating in her room using her studies as an excuse.

Meerab kept thinking about that nights event. She was confused by Murtasim's behavior. He was clearly angry with her for meeting Rohail but didn't say a word about it to her parents. What was going on in his mind? Did he not trust her at all? He refused to hear any explanation...

Murtasim returned home late. He knew Meerab wanted to talk to him, but it wasn't the right time. He wasn't sure he could be civil right now, considering the vision of Rohail holding Meerab's hand kept haunting him..the man had the audacity to call Meerab his Mohabbat in front of her husband! And she didn't say a word. That hurt, it fucking hurt! He couldn't get past that. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear Marium but she called him again "Bhai you are late?, bhabhi has been waiting for you". Murtasim nodded. "I had some work. Why are you up so late?"My exams are coming up. You should go have dinner, Bhabhi has been waiting for you at the dining table from last 6 hours" she said. Murtasim nodded and bid her goodnight heading towards the dining room.

There she was, the meaning and bane of his existence. His wife. She had fallen asleep, her chin on her palm, elbows resting on the table. Looking lovely in a red suit, his favorite color on her. she had clearly taken effort to dress up, set the stage with food and candles. How much he had longed for this scene...her waiting for him, willingly wanting to spend time together but all it today was make him mad. He wanted to just go up to his room and let her wait like she had made him suffer yesterday, not picking up his call, wondering where she was before he found her with Rohail but he couldn't do that. "Meerab" he called. She woke up immediately and said "Murtasim, you are here! The food is cold, let me heat it up." He shook is head and said "I am not hungry and you didn't need to wait up for me. Go sleep".

He started walking away, but Meerab stopped him. "Why? You never eat outside. You are angry with me and are refusing to eat! Do you know I spent all day cooking all this, and you are being unreasonable in your anger?" That did it.."Unreasonable? Do you think I am being unreasonable?" Murtasim asked.

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