3. Mera Shauhar

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This is inspired by episode 32, where Meerab tells Haya that no one can take Murtasim away from her unless she chooses to let him go.


"Maine tumse kaha tha na Meerab, mujhe tumhari help nahi chahiye. See, my wedding to Naurez was called off, and Muratsim approved the decision. He clearly doesn't want me to get married." Haya said with a smirk.

Meerab scoffed "itni khushfahimi mat Palo, Murtasim tumhari shaadi Naurez nahi to kisi aur se kara dega".

Haya shook her head. "You are mistaken, Murtasim will marry me one day. I'll be here waiting."

"That's never going to happen, Haya. Don't you have any self-respect? Why are you running behind a married man? Specially one who clearly doesn't want you?" Meerab asked. She really couldn't get Haya sometimes. Haya was obsessed with Muratsim. Couldn't she see that he didn't want her and never would?

Haya shrugged. "Muratsim hai hi aisa". She had a look of arrogance over her face as she looked at Meerab. "How long do you think he will run behind you, Meerab? especially since you don't give him any marital rights? Murtasim is man. Do you think he will wait forever for you? especially when he knows I love him...and I would do anything for him?"

Meerab's temper shot up at Haya's insolence. "You should come out of dreamland, Haya. How do you know what happens in our bedroom? Don't you think standing outside a couples bedroom and listening is really cheap...even for you? " She asked with raised eyebrows.

Haya's cheeks flushed, but she didn't back down and continued. "I don't need to stand outside the bedroom door. Everyone knows you guys aren't intimate. Didn't I prove it to everyone when your fake pregnancy drama came out?"

Meerab felt the words like salt on raw wound. She was still embarrassed about the whole pregnant debacle. Haya's words acted like fuel to her anger. "accha? Itna yakeen hai tumhe?" She asked.

Haya shrugged, ignoring the warning light in Meerab's eyes. "Just getting married doesn't cut it, you know. I can clearly see you and Muratsim don't have that spark. "

That did it. Meerab's temper rose, and her smile sharpened. If Haya was smart, she would have seen the warning signs and backed away, but she was too engrossed in pulling Meerab down.

Meerab grabbed her hand and rose from the couch. Meerab gave her a thin smile and said, "Aao aaj tumhari ye khwahish bhi puri kar dete hai. She dragged Haya behind her, the latter was too shocked to do anything but follow her.

Meerab reached Murtasim's office and barged in. He was standing near the window, his back to them as read over a document in his had. She dropped Haya's hand and walked to Muratsim with determined strides. Her temper overtaking all rational thoughts. She grabbed his arm as she reached him and turned him around. He looked at her with raised eyebrows and opened his mouth to ask what she was doing but Meerab didn't give him a chance. She grabbed his suit lapel and crushed her mouth to his. Muratsim stood still, shocked for a few seconds but then he sprang to action and his lips started moving against hers passionately. His left hand wrapped around her waist, hugging her closer while his right hand threaded through her long hair. Angling her neck to deepen the kiss.

Her temper riding Meerab had meant to give him a quick kiss just to rub it in Haya's face but as Murtasim took control of the kiss all thoughts left her mind. All she could think was how good it felt to finally kiss him. She was attracted to her husband and had often wondered what it would feel like but never acted on it as she wasn't sure of her feelings but as he kissed her all her restraint turned to dust. He kissed her with hunger, devouring her mouth so that all she could think and feel was Murtasim. Her world narrowed down to the way he made her feel. She felt owned and cherished at the same time. Her hands hand moved from his lapels, threading through his hair as she tried to get closer to him so that there was no space between them. She bit his lower lip and he groaned her name, tracing her tounge with his. She broke away from the kiss as the need to breathe became paramout. Murtasim rested his forhead agaist hers, both breathing heavily. They looked up at the loud sound of glass shattering. A vase lay on the floor, next to where Haya was standing. Staring at them wide eyed, her face shocked and eyes teary.

Murtasim looked at Haya, noticing her for the first time. He turned his face to Meerab as he asked "Haya kya tum yahi thi itne waqt se?"

Meerab trailed turned her face towards Haya. Resting her head her head on Muratsim's chest and wrapping her arms around his waist "Wo kya hai na...Haya didn't think we had any spark. Ab sari batein bol kar to nahi bata Sakte na..to Maine socha use bata hi du...spark Hota kya hai". She said with a smirk.

Murtasim stiffened and his arm around Meerab's waist tightend but he didn't say anything. Haya had tears in her eyes now "tumhe sharam nahi aati Meerab? Aise kisi aur ke samne Murtasim ke saath!"

Meerab raised her eyebrows, Standing up straight but not moving from Muratsim's embrace "Sharm kis baat ki? Murtasim shauhar hai mera. Pura haq hai mujhe...sirf mujhe". She said raising her chin, a sharp smile on her face. "In fact, sharm to tumhe aani chahiye...ab tak yahi ho. Ek husband wife ke beech me tumhara kya kaam? To Haya madam thodi haya karein aur yaha se dafa ho jayein" she said.

Haya looked at Murtasim but seeim him silent, she shook her head and ran away from the room, tears streaming down her face.

Meerab sighed at the dramatic display and tried to move away from Murtasim but his arms tightend like steel bands around her. "Ye kya harkat thi?" He asked raising her eyebrows.

Meerab shrugged as if her Kissing him senseless was a daily occurrence. "Haya kept talking rubbish about us, and I wasn't in the mood to take it or ignore it today so thought will finish this matter once and for all."

"Really? Is that the only reason behind this? He asked.

"Aur kya? Mujhe zara nahi pasand uski nazar tumhare liye. Har waqt tumhare aage piche bhagti rehti hai!" She tsked.

Murtasim nodded, mischief lightening his eyes "are you sure? Could it be that you find me irresistible?" He whispered, looking into her eyes. Meerab blushed "Ji nahi...aisi koi baat nahi hai" she stated firmly.

Muratsim shrugged "oh? Then it wouldn't affect you if I kissed you again?" He said tracing her lips with his thumb. Inching closer to her lips " that you don't want me as much as I want you, that your body doesn't burn for my touch" he breathed against her lips.

She almost gave in, blush staining her cheeks pink and leaned toward him but caught the glint of triumph in his eyes "Nahi..zeher lagte ho tum mujhe Murtasim...zeher". She pushed his shoulders and he let her go. Laughing as she almost ran from the room.

He sighed happily.. she was there...almost there. He knew he would have to wait for her to accept her feelings but his heart was lighter knowing that the wait won't be much longer now. She loved him...she just didn't know it yet.


This is a short chapter but I hope you all like it. Let me know in comments which parts you liked best. Feedback is always welcome and appreciate.

Also, let me know what would you guys like to read next. 2nd chapter in "Baby I'm Yours" or continuations of "you and me".

Happy reading everyone!

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