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How you feel when you know you are hated by everyone. Devastated, Empty, Hollow.

Nethen, an Omega, A 16 years old going to school where no one pay attention to him and hated by his family the one who suppose to love him with his all their heart. He doesn't care about his mate to be found because he strongly know that he will be rejected by his mate as well.

Ryle, Jack, Jaiden soon to be the alphas of the Blue Moon Pack they are Triplets but they are not much attached to each but can kill anyone for each other. They are 17 now year of not finding their mates they feel so low and depressed and started to live together, what happens when they get to know their mates who that person will be? Lets find out. ...

This is my First book Feedback will be appreciated

This is the only warning I'm gonna put here that this Book Contains ADULT Stuff, 18+, Mature and some torture, blood. HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE CAN STAY AWAY.

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