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It was lunch time, and I was sitting at the end of the room, enjoying my not-so-good sandwich, but because I hadn't had breakfast, I was enjoying it. I got out of my trance when someone snapped their fingers in front of me, and I nearly choked, afraid if someone wanted to bully me, but soon my thoughts cut when the person in front of me said,

"Can we sit here"?

U-uh-uh, Y-y-yeah, sure. I said this while stuttering. He smiled, there was one girl who have red hairs and short in height and a boy with glasses they made there way to chairs that in around the the table where I was sitting, Then I noticed its the person who stop my famous bully first before those three Aplha's. When they sit I I was debating with myself weather to run or finish my lunch but that debate ends when The guy begin taking to me "I'm Raden, This is my friend Tasha and her twin Brother Ash you must be the guy from the morning"? see I knew it they made my introduction clearly to everyone and I don't have to say anything well good thing. 

"Yeah, you already know me." I smiled and mumbled.

I was about to get up but stopped when, "Hey, you didn't introduce yourself to us yet," said Tasha.

I was confused that they already knew me from the morning. What else do they want to know? I frowned in confusion. Do they want to bully me? Is that why they are doing this? They want me to sit here so they can tease me and later beat me when I say something wrong. There is no way they are interested in knowing me. I was having anxiety when Raden spoke.

"Your name, as we have introduced ourselves, but you didn't tell us yours, and surely the morning is not definitely your introduction." He says with what I assume concern look?

"U-uhh "O" u-mmm I-I-I'm Nethen from Crescent Moon Pack u-mm I'm an omega," I replied three of them. 

"Well Nethen Nice to meet you, you are so cute and good looking," said Tasha.

"I also think Nethen is cute, though I'm Omega myself; I'm not cute at all." Ash was whining. I was shocked to learn he is Omega and surrounded by people.

"You are cute too, Ash, and beautiful," said Raden with loving eyes. After hearing this, Ash went red as tomato didn't look up, and Raden had wide eyes like he didn't realise he said it loud. The table went silent for a second before it got any awkward. Tasha said, "So, Nethen, any fun gossip about this school?" and Raden followed with it to avoid awkwardness. "Yes, Nethen, tell us what all that is about in the morning. Are they really your friends?" My eyes went wide with a sudden question, and I don't know how to answer, but thank goddess, the bell rang, making me aware that lunch is over. I quickly got up and said that I had to go to the staff room to do something important for our history teacher before class. I left. They said bye's to me. I felt good because it felt genuine that they had noticed me and wanted to really talk to me, but I don't think it will last long. They will soon get to know that I'm a person who deserves nothing, and like they said, I don't deserve anything.

Why do you always think negatively? My wolf snarled at me, too tired to answer. I closed the link for him. There's a slight chance he always wants to come out to talk, and my brain is full of comments. That's why I always close our link. I made my way to my locker to collect the books. Yes, I lied about going to the staff room, but I don't want to answer anymore.

I make my way to the locker, and my stomach is acting again. Moving forward, I see three people near my locker, ignoring them. I kept going towards the locker, and suddenly someone called me, "Hey, you are from the morning." 'ahhhhhhh, fuck the morning incident. Everyone is making conversations with me now. What another bully? They get to know I'm week' I think while internally speaking in mind. Turning to face my new bully, I was shocked to see those three alphas, and I quickly face the ground and say, "Ah-mm, y-y-yyess alphas, I'm from the morning." They chuckled at my answer.

I look up and see them smiling, and I feel weirdness in my stomach and heart. "You are cute, little one," one of them said. I look back to see to whom they are commenting because there is no way someone will say this to me in this life. I look back and see no one. Now the other chuckles and says, "He said to you, and I think we both agree with Jaiden, right? Ryle?"

"Huh me?" Uhh, ohhh, I'm not A-h, no, I mean thanks.

"What's your name?" One of them said, I think his name is Ryle. I am surprised for the second time why everyone is interested in my name today. Are they going to enjoy bullying me together after making plans later after school? But surely I don't want to anger the Alphas, so sacredly, I introduce myself to them.

"I-I-I'm Nethen an omega of this pack." 

"Thats it?" Jaiden said.

"U-hh huh Yeah"  

"Well, I'm Jaiden; this is Ryle; and this is Jack. We are 18 and will be using your school for quite a few months or weeks. We would like to get to know you better. So, Nethen, that was not your proper introduction. Tell us more about you.

I look up and am kind of shocked. Are they joking with me that they want to know me? They must be bullying.

"Sorry alphas I dont have much to introduce, um I'm Nethen, I am an Omega, and yeah, I'm 17." I said it in one breath. Because I don't want them to get angry at me, I don't want to gain new bullies who have lots of power.

"Hey, don't call us Alphas; call us by our names." Ryle said to me softly, suddenly caressing my cheeks, and I was bloodshot red from the contact he made with me. I don't know the feeling I get when he touches my cheek. I feel like something is coming out of my heart and it will explode. I look up to see him. His eyes were lighting, and I felt so lightweight that it feels like the bruises on my body are not hurting anymore. I was suddenly about to lean in his hand, which is what he was caressing me with. Before I do that, the warning bell rang, and I suddenly let myself back from him. "I-I-I I'm sorry I can't call s-sssomeone with high authority with the name, and I-I'm sorry for the morning too; I'm late for the class." He was shocked, not because of my words, but as if he realised something. I opened my locker and took the book in a hurry. I see Jaiden and Jack in shock as they stare at Ryle.

They said, suddenly coming back to their senses, "We will talk about it later. Nethen, get back to your class." I hurriedly made my way to my class, and I thought about the events of today, and I got to know I got noticed by the people.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Readers I hope its okay please pardon the grammar mistake let me know if its going okay I appreciate the comments.

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