~7. Feeling Safe~

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"Did you make him fall while chasing him? Are you guys out of mind?" I shouted at them.

"No, we didn't. He trip," Jack said. Nethan's eyes are shifting around the three of us. While he is heavily panting, Jack and Jaiden notice his distress. I shook my head right and left lightly. While I slowly approach Nethan. He sees me coming towards him, and his eyes are shifting, showing he is afraid of us. It hurts to see him afraid of us. I don't know why he is afraid of us. when we clearly do not want him to feel any kind of discomfort.

"Hey, it's okay, Nethan. We are not going to hurt you." He stares into my eyes to see if I am lying, but when he sees nothing, he shifts his gaze, still panting. "Can you try taking a deep breath?" I said while slowly taking my step so he wouldn't get afraid. He nodded. I sit a little away from him so he won't be uncomfortable. I see that Jack and Jaiden are both looking at me. I approach Nethan; he flinches but doesn't say anything. It's like he wants to run, but he knows he can't. I make him sit properly while guiding him.

"Yes, just like this. Take a breath in."

"Yes, now out, yes, you are doing great. Keep doing." I said it smoothly. He started to repeat it after a minute or two. He started to relax. Jack slowly sat behind him and started rubbing his back. Jaiden sat on the right side, put his head on his shoulder, took his right hand, and started rubbing smoothly. While I am sitting in front of him, caressing his cheeks, and with his left hand in mine, He stares into my eyes. I give him a smile while my hand is still on his cheeks. He closes his eyes, trying to take comfort from the three of us.

"Why is he afraid of us?" Jaiden Mind linked me. I look towards him, and concern is the first thing I see on his face. It's new to me. Among the three of us, he is the most chilled and never concerned about anything. "I am wondering the same thing, Jaiden. I don't know if he isn't only afraid of us but of everyone so far we have seen." "Yes, I have noticed it. He is always going alone everywhere and always varies his surroundings all the time," Jacck said through our Mind link.

As if Nethan sensed something, he opened his eyes and made eye contact with me. Then he looked towards his hand and to the right, where Jaiden was sitting, and then slowly towards Jack, his eyes widening. All of a sudden, Jack hugged him tightly. As if he knows Nethan is about to freak out, Nethan freezes at the sudden outburst. We look at them and see that Jack is on the verge of crying. Why can't he be? Even though no one knows this side of him, he is the most emotional one. "It's okay; Y-you are safe with us." Jack said it in a cracking voice. Nethan hesitantly moved his hand towards the back of Jack and started rubbing it, providing him with comfort. Jaiden and I stare at them, feeling an unknown emotion in our chests. We let them have their moment, but then we hugged them because our wolves were discomforted, even though we had pushed them to the back of our heads.

After a minute, we pulled back, much to our dismay, but we didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

Nethan stared at us. He didn't know what to say, but then he slowly said, "Why are you nice to me?"

"What do you mean?" Jaiden said.

"Do you guys want to bully me?" Making us more shocked.

"Oh goddess, what gave you the idea of us approaching you means we want to bully you, Nethan." I said it slightly in a higher tone because it kind of hurt.

"I am sorry, Alpha," he said, fiddling with his finger. We sigh.

"Hey Nethan," Jack said his name smoothly, looking towards him.

"We can never bully you—not only you, but why will we ever bully anyone? Don't call us Alpha." Jack said it in a very low tone, so he would not feel any discomfort. Jack looks towards me. I give him a nod and say that he said the right thing.

"Ok, Jack." Jack turned his head too fast towards him. Even though I am shocked, so is Jaiden; he knows he is Jack, and except for my pack adults, not anyone can recognise us by our faces. And the fact that he knows his name.

"You know I am Jack?"

"Uh Yes." Nethan replied. He gave Jack a look, which clearly said, 'Why would I not?'

"What is his name?" Jack pointed towards me.

"R-Ryle." Nethan said, making my eyes grow, and Holy Mother, what the hell is this feeling? Does my name sound this good?

"What his?"

"Jaiden," Nethan said. And I know Jaiden felt the same.

"Oh my goddess, Ryleeee, he knows whose who?" Jack all but shouted, making Nethan stare at him. He is confused.

"Its special, Nethan; no one can guess whose who even after knowing us for a long time. Because of our identical faces. Thats why Jack is behaving like this." Jaiden explain

Nethan kind of smiled. Oh goddess, he smiled, making me freeze. Jaiden also noticed what he felt because I felt what he felt.

"How do you know?" Jack asked, making Nethan turn towards him. He looked at us, fiddling with his finger. I took his hands in mine, and he relaxed.

"U-mm eyes" Nethan


"R-rryle has O-ocean green eyes; J-j-jack has a caramel brown one; and Jaiden blue e-eyes. "That's how I differentiate between you." He Explained. Shock is the one feeling, but among them, we felt happy and proud that our mate could tell us apart in one meeting already.

"You are smart" I said making him blush. He blushed oh goddess we three gulped at the sight if its in our hand we kind of kissed him till he can't stop blushing. 

I stand up. So do Jaiden and Jack. I pull Nethan up. Jack set his clothes aside while Jaiden dusted them off. It was clear how much we care for him. It was a warm and proud feeling to do these things for him. All that is left is to make him realise that we don't pose any threat to him.

"Shall we go somewhere quiet to talk, Nethan?" I said.

"What do you guys want to talk about with me?" Nethan Asked.

"It's kind of important. We will talk anywhere you feel fine, if you are okay with it, and please don't be afraid of us. We won't ever hurt you." Jaiden said

"I don't know if anywhere will be fine," Nethan said, looking at his feet.

"Okay, lets go." Jack took Nethan's hand in his and started walking. I laugh at his act, even though he pretends to be tough. He is so childish. "Will he ever realise we know he is childish?" Jaiden said he was coming to my side.

"Let him finally manage to show this side openly in front of someone." I said, smiling.

This is why we need our mate in our lives; we are feeling complete. Or so I said, we need Nethan in our lives, and Nethan needs us.

"I will have him all by myself if you guys don't hurry." Jack mindlinked us, and then we realised they were moving fast. We moved so fast to reach them. I can hear that bitch laughing very clearly in our minds with a smirk.

Nethan POV

Jack took my hand and started walking towards the town. The way he mirked, I kknow he said something in mindlink, and it didn't take Jaiden and Ryle to catch up to us. For the first time in my life, I felt safe around spmeone, and I can't believe that I can feel safe around alphas—not one but three. I am nervous about what they want to talk to me about.


....Untill  next

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