2. The New Students

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I'm on the way to school from home, and I barely managed to not run into my father while he was in his room. I was standing to cross the road when I heard a distant group of friends talking.

"You know the Blue Moon Pack students are transferring to our school today," a girl said.

"Yes, I heard rogues attack the school in a motive to hostage the student to take over," another girl said.

"Haha, don't they know they have three soon-to-be alphas studying there, and they are the strongest pack?" a boy said.

"I heard they haven't found their mates..." a boy was saying when someone decided to blow the horn and distract me, and I saw the lights turn green for cross-walkers.

'Well, its not my business' I keep on walking. When I was about to reach the school, I suddenly felt something in my stomach, but I ignored the feeling. It's 8:30 and school starts at 9:30. I came early because of two reasons. 1. I like being away from my house. 2. I love to spend my time in the library because no one comes there.

I went to the library, but the librarian wasn't there. I decided to finish my homework, which I couldn't do because my mother decided to beat the shit out of me because I didn't take out the trash, which is not supposed to be taken out because it wasn't even filled. But it's okay; it's normal. I don't say anything because I try to do it for like years, but my voice is unheard by their ears, so I get to know that when I don't speak, I get less beaten, but now I don't feel pain anymore.

Everyone in my pack and school ignores me; it's been like this since I turned because I'm a disgrace to my family. Not going into much thought, I finish my work, and soon I hear an announcement from the speaker.

"Good morning, student. I need everyone in the auditorium in the next 10 minutes. We have something important to talk about," our announcer said.

I made my way to the auditorium, and on the way, I saw so many unknown faces that I couldn't care much about them. Upon entering, there are already some students standing there, and they are not from here. Then I remembered the conversation of the students talking on the road. Well, it's not going to change anything; they will soon learn about me, and like everyone else, they will ignore me. I went inside and stood in the corner so no one could see me, and I could see no one. In the next 5 minutes, all the students from my school and students from Blue Moon Pack were standing in the hallway. I stand behind everyone, so no one can notice me. Everyone is bickering a lot, and I can't wait to go to my classroom and sit in the corner where everyone ignores me.

"Students, may I have your attention?" our principal said in the mic, and everyone went quiet.

"As you see, we have many new faces in the school. First, we welcome everyone, from the Blue Moon Pack students to Lunardale School. Second, we are sorry to hear about the rogues that..." She was interrupted when the door of the auditorium burst open and every face turned towards it. Three very tall men entered, and before anyone said anything, one of them spoke.

"Mrs. Wisley, you don't have to be sorry, as the rogues were not the ones to destroy our school; it was us who accidentally destroyed the building while chasing the rogues out."

"And thank you for welcoming us to the school on behalf of all the students who decided to come and take the remaining classes," the other said.

"Alphas, that's very brave of you. I hope you enjoy the remaining months of your schooling, which will be full of memories." Mrs. Wisley said And they smiled, and walked towards the student from their pack. My stomach is flipping for unknown reason may be because I haven't had Breakfast. 

"I hope everyone mixes well with each other, and I expect good things from everyone. Now, everyone, please return to your respective classes. Thank you. Have a good day," Mrs. Wisley said.

And everyone started to leave. I was carefully walking towards the exit, trying not to run into anyone, but I think Moon Goddess has a different plan, and I hit something hard and fell on my back. Wow, now I will get beaten in front of a new student. Well, they will get my introduction.

"Watch where you're going, rut," Samael said. Wow, can't you find anyone else, goddess? I know you hate me, but this much? that you run me straight into my worst bully. I thought.

"Don't you dare say anything about the goddess," Ethan said.

'Wow, not helping'.

"I-I'm sorry." I said to Samael.

"Yo Fagot, say sorry," Samael said loudly to his friends, and his friends laughed. I don't know what I make them do to me; I guess I'm an easy target.

I got up, and I was about to leave when he pushed me again and said, "Where do you think you are going, huh?"

"He said sorry already," someone from the crowd said. I looked up to see, and it was the new student from the Blue Moon Pack. I was shocked that someone was raising their voice for me. Well, they are new; they don't know about me yet.

"So what he said, we don't listen to Omegas," comes from Samael.

"What kind of nonsense is this? Does the alpha of your pack know about it?" This time, one of the Alphas said this, and I was shocked and met eyes with him, and I have this strange feeling in my stomach. Before I stare more towards him, the other one speaks.

"This is how you treat your pack members?" This time the other Alpha spoke, and I met with his eyes and again that strange feeling.

"I think we need to break the alliance with such a pack," the last Alpha said, and I met his gaze and again this strange feeling—oh, I haven't had breakfast.

Samael is now shaking because our alpha doesn't know about these things well, considering I'm the only Omega Alpha who doesn't know they treat me poorly because my father has a very good reputation and my mother is Luna's friend from school.

"No, we are just joking with each other," Samael said in a fearful voice.

But my gaze met with three of them. While I'm still on the floor, the three of them stare at me. I haven't seen them properly, but now that I am seeing them, they are huge. I think everyone must be 6'8' or above. The three of them have almost the same features, including a perfect jawline and black hair, which they have styled perfectly, and even though they have almost the same features and faces, they have different eye colors. One of them has Hazel Brown, the other has Ocean Green, and the last one has Grey Mantellic eyes. Coming out of my daze by the Samael friend voice.

"We are just joking; it's okay, right, Nethen?" His friend said, glaring at me, whose name I don't know.

Not want more attention. I said, "Yes, we were joking; it's fine."

They were about to say something when one of the professors shouted, "What's happening there?" and everyone turned towards them. I saw the chance to escape from that place, and I did so without anyone noticing. 


Please let me know if I am going wrong somewhere or you guys are confuse I will edit those parts 


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