~8. Momentary Happiness~

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"Nethan POV"

One moment I was hyperventilating, and another moment I was dragged to the diner to talk. They are making sure I am comfortable, making me sit far away from the eyes of people. The diner is nice; it's called "MOOD = FOOD." It's quiet inside; it's not far away from school and my house. I am shocked that I never noticed this place.

"What do you want to order?" Jack asked me with twinkling eyes. He is cute. hein?? cute?? What the hell? He is an alpha; if he knows I called him cute, he will kill me with a punch.

"U-hhh, I'm-- I am not hungry...." It's a lie. I am dying of hunger. I don't want to upset them; they may be asking because they just want to make me order and then eat in front of me and don't offer. But my body betrayed me; my stomach growled so loudly that the whole pack must have heard it, and around the pack, I heard it. I told you that the moon goddess hates me to the core.

They chuckle. "Ok, you are not hungry," Jack exclaims while laughing.

"It's fine, little one. You can order anything. We are not going to say anything to you. Hell, you can order the whole menu and we can buy you." Ryle said.

Jaiden was about to say something, but a blond short girl walked to our table with an apron on where it was written moon food with green color. She has a short, sweet, and charming smile. 

"Alphas, you have a guest with you today," she says, giving me a very bright smile. I might go all blind from the light she is emitting.

"Hey Timp, this is Nethan, our M." Before Jack completed the word, Ryle cut him off with

"Timp Nethan is our new friend from the Crescent Moon Pack, and he is also our schoolmate."

"Little one, this is Timp, our packmate and also the daughter of the owner of this diner," Ryle said, turning towards me with a smile. I smile towards her. She is small and beautiful; she must be 17 or something.

"Hello Nethan It's a pleasure to meet you. Are you ready to order?" She asked that I look towards Jaiden, and others looked towards me with a nod.

U-Um, C-can I get 5 more minutes?" I whispered the last words, but Ryle caught on to them.

"Timp, can you give us some more time? You know Jack is picky and moody." She smiled and said, Sure, but Jack was already on Ryle. "Why the hell do you say that I am not picky and moody?"

"Yeah,yeah you are not.. Anyway, Nethan, please, we will talk when you order and we start eating." Ryle said, and I picked up the menu while biting my lower lips because I didn't know what I should order. I had scrambled $2 in my pocket. Sure, they said they would pay, but I didn't know what to do if I upset them. I picked something they didn't like, and they left. I asked how I would pay at the counter, and my thought was broken by the voice of Jaiden.

"If you like spicy food, you can have Thupa noodles, which are made in Indian style. They are very spicy, and your tongue will burn, but they taste good. If you like basic stuffing, you can have sandwiched and hot dog hamburgers; they are good. They have other options for food; just go with your taste buds; they never disappoint you." He finished with a smile on his face, which says you don't have to worry about anything; just order. To my surprise, I got comfortable, all the thoughts left. I looked up towards Ryle and Jack; they were wearing the same expression, and I felt like nothing could go wrong at this moment, looking back at the menu and knowing what to order.

"I-I-I can't handle um spicy.., I will go for pasta and soup." I manage to say it without stuttering much.

Jaiden and Ryle also decided what to eat, and as Ryle said, Jack is really moody and picky. He literally made up his mind to order something, but then said no, it would not go with the weather outside, and eventually managed to decide. When Ryle said I am hungry, it means Nethan is hungry; if he doesn't decide in one minute, he can starve.

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