he helps you relax

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Lately you've been stressed out from your work as a nurse in Fontaine city your no ordinary nurse do not mistaken me for a ordinary nurse I'm a special combat nurse trained for the field by my master Kyra she was the best combat nurse there was until she was killed by the harbinger who goes by the name Columbia You heard she was really dangerous but decided to foget about Columbia for now and focus on different matters until you have the Strength to fight her on even grounds at least you outside by a lake sitting on a bench nearby you sighed you could barely stay awake you then heard footsteps coming your way you up look to see it's none other than Wriothesley walking up to you he looks at you with a thinking face he asks what's wrong? You look like your disappointed about something? You said I'm not disappointment just tried! He asks that was going to be my next guess? But are you alright? You said not really? He said why's that did something happen? last time I saw you was almost a week ago! you were all happy and rainbows, you said I know" but things haven't going so smoothly at work you could say? Wriothesley says how about I take you somewhere to relax for the day?!!! You looked up at him and said sure why not, not like there's anything else to do anyway!

Wriothesley smiles and takes your hand he takes you to his house he made a bath for you and then left to leave you be you were in the bath for a few hours before getting out you got dressed and went to see Wriothesley on the couch he says here lay down on your other side so I can give you a back massage you did as told he pulled up the back of your shirt and massaged you're back for 7h after that it kinda got late you stayed the night at his house you felt really relaxed after today you were much happier now

A/n: so I kinda wanna do an x reader book of my idea of a combat nurse sorta thing the question is would anyone read it if you guys think I should make this idea into an xreader let me know in the comments I have no idea if I should or not though

Wriothesley scenarios x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now