You comfort him

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You came home one day and saw Wriothesley crying. You didn't think you'd see him cry like this ever. He's never cried infront of you before. You slowly approached him being to not alarm him in the slightest. You were behind him he was sitting on a couch crying out all his feelings. You waited a little longer, before making you're presences known to him. You suddenly put your hand on his shoulder and said Why didn't you tell me!? About all of this love, I would, always listen to you no matter what is, going on I always make time for you! You decided to sit beside on the couch you turned yourself towards him. Wriothesley says I'm sorry love...     I just didn't know how to tell you I also didn't want to put pressure on you, just by simply telling you my past. You hugged him and said you could never ever put pressure on me Wriothesley I promise you that!? I love you too much for that to get in the way, of how I see you as a person. Please understand I love you for you nothing you say will change that nothing you say will pressure me OK love!? He nods his head is now on my shoulder. He's cute and sad at the same time it breaks my heart to see him like this. A few hours of him sleeping on my shoulder, almost made me fall asleep along with him but I forced myself, to stay awake I need to know what, about his past made him cry like this. No one makes my boy cry like this and I mean no one! He starts to wake up I sighed in relief he looks much better now. Has he not been getting enough sleep lately or perhaps he's forcing himself up in past nights?! He rubs his eyes even he looks somewhat better he still looks restless. After this I'm definitely making sure, he gets more rest after this. My poor baby Wriothesley, what exactly have you gone through that it hurts you this much. Wriothesley says did I fall asleep? I said yes you did, you fell asleep on my shoulder for a few hours It sure looked like you needed it too! Wriothesley says I see sorry about that I didn't mean for you to see crying earlier. I said don't say sorry I'm here for you no matter what. If something is troubling you please tell me, I want to help you like how you helped me!? He gives in and tells me all about his past with his siblings and parents. I gave him many hugs he fell asleep again from all the crying. I went to get some blankets to keep us warm for the night. I covered us in the blankets and fell asleep hugging him, my head was on his shoulder his was on mine.

A/n: hope this was OK this book has gotten really popular this might be my best book yet

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