he comforts you

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You've been getting yelled at by some people of the families of your patients you were doing all you could but a few of your patients couldn't be saved unfortunately even you tried you're all you get is getting yelled at they even put the blame on you when you were helping thankfully your co-worker came over and handled the situation  for you she said y/n I think it's best you go home for the day you said you don't think I can handle it that's why you want me out of here right? She says well...ummmmmmm...? You said you don't need to say anything clearly everyone in this hospital thinks that I can't handle anything? You all think I'm useless don't you? She just nods you said I knew it! Ugh I'll go since I'm obviously not wanted here you take your uniform off in your office and change back into your usual clothes and run out of the hospital crying no one even bother coming after you they're all just jerks to you, you wish you never took that job in the first place you down by the lake near by like usual you've been sighing over and over you heard footsteps you didn't even bother looking to see who it was you knew it would probably be Wriothesley and you were right Wriothesley says you look down, what happened? You explained to him what happened at work today even though you didn't want to remember what happened you told him anyway he hugged you from behind Wriothesley says I'm sorry to hear that? Why don't we hangout at my place I'm sure something there will help you feel better you just nodded he carried you on his back after entering the house he put you down on the couch for now he went into the kitchen and came back with snacks, drinks, popcorn, movies and blankets too he puts the blankets on the couch popcorn, drinks and snacks on the table infront of us he put the movies aside on the table and looked at me Wriothesley says hey you've had a bad day but don't let that stop you from having fun? You can't be sad forever you know? If you need anyone to cheer you up? You can always count on me! We've known each other a long time! Probably about two years since I've met you I just want you to know I'm here for you no matter what mood you're in? You thought about what he said while he was putting the movie you end eating most of the snacks and drinks you cuddled with Wriothesley under the blanket you fell asleep on his shoulder soon after the movie ended

A/n: I'll post another one today since I've got the time to do it anyways

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