when you get injured

569 11 1


You were on a walk in the wild hoping to get things off your mind you still don't have a job you got fired from your Last two jobs and are still looking for one it was always dark when you took a walk but suddenly out of nowhere you were attacked by the fauti you didn't  see them coming and fell to the ground one of them says sir we've knocked the target out we believe she's unconscious another voice says good bring her to me I then heard footsteps approaching fast I didn't bring any weapons or anything to act as a weapon I'm basically defenseless here I shouldn't have went on a walk alone but usually no one trys to attack me on my walks or anything like that is someone after me or an I just bait to lure someone their after in Whatever the case I'm in some serious trouble here the footsteps are approaching rapidly fast now I noticed it was Wriothesley did he know I was in danger or did he secretly follow me a ways a way maybe he was watching me how did he know I was here otherwise he knocked down the 10 fauti people around me he fought with them until they were down I just realized I had a bit of injuries from them those fauti ran away after being met with Wriothesley after he was sure they weren't coming back here he went towards me and said you OK I said yeah they ambushed me I didn't think they would target me I never had any dealings with them so I find this suspicious that they would target me  like this Wriothesley says that probably has something to do with me but do not worry for now I'll have to accompany you everywhere or have a guard accompany you for your safety he carries you home and has Sigewinne treat your injuries after that he lays you down in you're bed he sleeps with you his arms over you protectively like someone will take you away from him

A/n: hope you all enjoy this one

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