𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 |28| 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘶𝘴 |02|

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I took a deep breath as my body became exhausted and my bones ached, begging for eyes to close for a brief second.

I couldn't.

I prided my eyes wide open and stared down at our daughter—our blueberry, not wanting to forget or miss this incredible moment as our daughter was placed softly against my chest and watched as she took her first few breaths.

My chest tightened and my voice was mute.

Our blueberry was small, but god, she had powerful lungs. Her screams echoed and bounced off of the walls.

Zade's POV

My hand was crushed and ached with a throbbing pain from El's tight hold on it for eighteen hours straight.

I didn't care. Watching Eleanor
giving birth to our daughter—our blueberry, yeah, the name grew on me after months, was one of the happiest moments of my life.

"Dad, do you want to cut the cord?"

I took my eyes off of Eleanor for a brief moment and stood from the chair with shaky exhales falling past my mouth and shaky hands.

I took the surgical scissors from the nurse and cut the cord.

It was a proud moment, a moment I knew I wouldn't forget even as the years passed.

The nurse wrapped our squirming daughter—our screaming daughter with bright red chubby cheeks and a full head of dark curls with a hospital blanket and placed her on Eleanor's chest.

"Zade, come here and meet your daughter." Eleanor said with a soft smile.

My feet remained frozen before I took three steps forward.

Eleanor's POV

"Isn't she beautiful?" I cooed when one of her chubby fingers reached out and grabbed a strand of my hair.

I laughed tiredly and tried to remove her strong grip from my hair.

"She's perfect." Zade said, his voice thickening with emotion.

I glanced up at him and smiled, his eyes were swollen red with tears.

"This is a cute moment and all but can you help?"

Zade leaned forward with a soft chuckle falling past his lips and unlocked our daughter's hand before placing her against his chest.

She cried softly before her eyes fluttered shut and light, quiet snores filled the room.

The moment was so simple, yet so precious at the same time and I found myself content with the sound.

Zade wasn't a small man by all means, he was a giant and most times had to crouch down to fit through doorways.

But he held our daughter against his chest and stroked her cheek softly while mumbling some children's nursery rhyme with a look of love and adoration in his eyes.

It may have started off as revenge but it turned into something much deeper and ended in something beautiful. I closed my eyes and drifted off to the sounds of our daughter snores.

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