IVE RETURNED! For a little while- I've had major writers block so I haven't updated much😭
The van drifted down the road, a soft, subtle rain now drizzling along its side. Deku sighed as he tried to understand where they were. "I don't think we should be lost, Rody... by what the map says, we should be close to the valley." He looked up, and noted a few trees withered here and there. "No worries hero, you heard that old man, we're headin' the right way. For sure." Deku shook his head. "No I mean... I don't trust this road... I feel as if we're being followed... or watched..." rody gave him a small side eye. "Are you... sure? It could be nausea... you haven't eaten anything since the last gas station a couple miles back." Deku shook his head again. "No no.... Like... that feeling you know your being followed or watched... something isn't right... er- pull over... I just wanna make sure." Rody hummed and pulled over, letting Deku slowly get out, investigate the area, and return to his seat. "Nothin' but mist and trees hero. I told ya. Ya don't gotta worry about anything!" Just at that moment, something large struck the side of the van, before scampering into the mist. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Deku screeched, grabbing onto rodys arm, digging his face into the auburn haired males shoulder. "It... could have been a bear or something?" But why would bears be out here? No ones heard of bears in Otheon, nor in its neighboring cities, even the country never thought of it. "We- maybe we should turn around... go back.." The greenette said, trying to stay positive. "We can't head back hero, the cops are still on us, remember? That's why we're trying to get to the next country. It just seems... we're a bit off track..." he trailed his tone, staring straight ahead. Deku opened his mouth to speak, but Rody covered it. Deku finally looked up, and saw what Rody was seeing. Large mammals, not your normal kind, crawling along the ground. Most of them were feline like, built with large claws able to rip trees apart easily. They all had one distinct feature- large wide eyes, which shone a ominous hue of white. Rody carefully put the van in reverse, making sure none of these creatures were behind them. Luckily, these creatures were docile, and not interested in them. As soon as Rody turned, he hit the gas and sped past the small clan. With no hesitation, they had made it past the weird animals. But this was only to get more bizarre. The two boys weren't aware of it yet, but they had driven straight into a mutated animal biome. This area was restricted, as the mutated creatures were unstable, and no one would know what they could do. A chemical plant nearby seemed to have been the cause of the whole problem, as by what Rody and deku noticed. The large towering structure appeared old, ancient even. "We- we are not leaving the van to go in there... we don't know what's out here!" Deku immediately said, Rody nodding in agreement. "Agreed... I wouldn't wanna try to breathe this stuff... if it's done whatever it is to the wildlife it probably isn't safe for humans." They continued down the road, eventually finding a place of safety. It was just outside the mist, a perfect view of the sun settling at the horizon. Night would be falling soon, and the two boys decided here is where they would stay. They assumed this was a safe place, but unaware to them, a massive creature lurked behind, watching. Waiting.

Unexpected love
FanfictionDeku is on the run with a lowlife known as rody soul. When they finally rest, they find a kink in their friendship, aka, rodys bird pino.