#6. Imperfectly Perfect Love

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Love is eternal.

Yes, love has been around for a long time. Everything and everyone only lasts for a little while, but love endures forever. Although people come and go, love endures.

Ruhana Mehra holds this view. She enjoys working by herself because she is a loner. She works as a content manager and writer for a reputable company in Mumbai. She is the owner of a two-bedroom flat in the fantasy city. She enjoys her friendships and professional relationships with the same zeal. She does have fewer, but genuine, pals.

When someone clears their throat, she is deep in thought. Her best friend is standing in front of her when she looks up. Vineet Kumar is her best friend and her fiance. They have a great friendship, and they both work at the same workplace. They were ignorant.

Vineet clears his throat and looks at her. She smiles at him as he forwards a cup of coffee towards her. She holds the mug and signals for him to sit beside her. They sat in silence for a few moments, and then she broke the silence by herself. She thanks Vineet for another time. He grimaces at the moment.

“Ruu, why do you need to thank me every now and then? I mean, I didn’t do anything big for you.” He asks softly.

“You’ve done many things for me, Vineet

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“You’ve done many things for me, Vineet. You’ve pulled me out of everything that happened to me. When no one trusted me, you did. I owe it all to you.” She says this with a soft smile playing on her lips.

“Ruhana, beliefs are personal. People believe what they hear. They feel that if someone is telling them about a certain thing or a certain person, it's true. But you shouldn’t believe it until you see it with your own eyes.” He says.

“People don’t want to go into details. They believe what others show them or tell them. I didn’t believe others; I trusted you.” He says this, looking into her eyes.

“I know, Vineet

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“I know, Vineet. And I’m thankful. Despite everything, you stood strong by my side.” She says her eyes turned watery.

“Ruu, don’t think of all of that. I trust you; your family loves you, and that should be enough for you. Isn’t it?” He asks.

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