I'm Yours

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It was the middle of summer and Yoko had happily invited Enid and by extension Wednesday to Divina's surprise birthday party...

"No..." Wednesday finalized.

"Oh, come on Willa! It'll be fun!" Whined Enid pouting a little.

"Enid...when have I ever gone to a party before?" Wednesday said frowning.

"Never...but Willa...it's almost our last year of school!!! Don't you want to enjoy the experience? It could...even help with your...writing... Enid said slyly, flashing Wednesday a sided grin.

Wednesday looked puzzled, "I do need to describe a crime scene that happened at a party...it could be of use actually...

Enid mentally high-fived herself as she smiled fully, "It'll be sooo much fun! And if you umm, get overwhelmed let me know...and we can leave..." She compromised.

"Very well...what shall I be needing for this...get together?" Wednesday questioned.

"Your coolest outfit and a present maybe... I made her one last week! I hope she likes it." Enid was already bubbling with energy.

Wednesday glared at her, "Indeed...I will have to go to Jericho for one then... I will meet you back here in...2 hours." She nodded, turning on her heels and heading out.

"...I...could go with you..." Enid whispered to no one... She shrugged as she collected her things to head to the showers.

Enid knew Wednesday wouldn't be back yet so once she was done showering, she went back to their room and got dressed. She had been to many parties with her friends before yet this time it felt different...she couldn't pinpoint why but she wanted to look extra special tonight. She chose a white cotton crop top, a pair of light pink denim shorts, a pink mock suede biker jacket, and a pair of dark pink Doc Martens. She completed her outfit with a pair of medium hoop earrings, some gold pink bracelets, a fine beaded necklace, and natural makeup to seal the look. "There" she winked at herself in the mirror. All that was left to do were her nails and hair, she grabbed her nail polish and accessory bag and skipped towards Yoko's room to finish getting ready.

Wednesday got back to their room just in time, she had her present for Divina all wrapped up and just needed to shower and change. She still had enough time but she had to be quick. She already had an outfit in mind, so she went to her closet and pulled out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a gray t-shirt with a scorpion on the left side, a black and white plaid shirt, and a pair of black chucks. She gathered everything she would need and went to shower. She was almost done tying her shoelace when her phone chimed, it was Enid.

E. Sinclair: Howdy roomie! Went by our room 2 c if u were back but figured u were in the bathroom. I'm at Yoko's, come by here so we can go 2 da party, k?

Willa: Jesus Enid...my eyes...I will meet you at Yoko's in 10 minutes. W. A.

Wednesday texted back rolling her eyes. She applied light makeup, did her braids neatly as usual, and painted her nails black. Once she was ready, she grabbed her things, left them in their room, got Divina's present, and went to find Enid.

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