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Why do I smell bacon? "Argh, my head." I felt like my head is going to split up. What did we do last night? I opened my eyes slowly and I felt the brightness sting my eyes and making my heard hurt. "Ouch." I muttered.

I slowly open my eyes and let them adjust on the brightness, I look around and I found myself in the living room beside the coffee table. I looked over the box fort and it's destroyed with boxes all over the living room.

I could hear someone cooking in the kitchen, I slowly stood up, but I had a hard time stand up because my legs were wobbly. I frowned when I saw bottles of soju and beer scattered in the coffee table and box fort.

"We drank last night?" I scratched my head trying to remember the events of last night.

I finally stood up and walked to the kitchen and see Seulgi cooking, while drinking a cup of coffee.

She looks over at me and smiles, "Good morning, dude." She flips the pancakes while it turns golden brown.

"What time did you wake up?" I asked her, I grabbed a mug and poured myself some coffee.

"Thirty minutes ago." She shrugs.

"I can't remember what we did and why we drank last night." I said while taking a sip of my coffee.

I feel a bit better when I drank my coffee, it really helps with hangovers.

"We were drinking the tea you made, and we weren't satisfied after. So, Jisoo bought Soju and beer." Seulgi said while putting down a stack of pancakes on a plate and leaving it at the dining table.

She then puts the pile of bacon on the dining table, "What time is it anyway?" I asked her as I serve myself pancakes and bacon.

"It's 10 in the morning, called Rosé that we will be late. She was mad, because she will be the only one to open the cafe."

We heard someone groaned at the living room, I look at Seulgi, "Is that, Jisoo?" She nods.

"Jisoo! Come have some breakfast." I shouted from the kitchen.

But we didn't hear anything, then she started to curse, "Fuck! I'm late! I overslept!" I heard boxes moving.

I went to the living room and saw Jisoo getting out of a box, "You slept inside?" I asked her, Jisoo nods while fixing herself.

"Yeah, it was cold last night and I was too drunk to get the blanket on your couch." She said.

She then grabs a pancake with her hands, "Yah! Eat properly!" Seulgi shouts at her, but Jisoo walks over to the door. "Thanks for last night, guys! Let's do it again! Minus the box fort." She said and heads out.

I look at Seulgi, "Did she not realize that she's still wearing the fedora?" Seulgi laughs and shook her head.

"How come you look fine? You don't have a hangover?" I asked Seulgi. She leans her back on the chair, "I woke up abruptly because I had to vomit. After that I felt a bit better then drank my coffee."

I nod, now where's my phone? I stood up and walked to the living room room. I found it beside the maid headdress.

When I checked my phone I froze when I saw a lot of texts from Jennie.

Wed, Jun 12 at 8:00 AM - Nini 😸

"Good morning, Lalisa 🤨"

Wed, Jun 12 at 8:01 AM - Nini 😸

"Why were you drinking last night? 🙂"

Wed, Jun 12 at 9:01 AM - Nini 😸

"Is Jisoo unnie still there? I know that she went with Seulgi yesterday. 😑"

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