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We arrived in Gukje Market, Jennie wears her face mask and cap, she also hands me a face mask.

"Why do I need to wear face mask?" I ask her.

"To protect your privacy, just in case someone recognizes me." She explains.

I rolled my eyes at her, "But, I find it hard to breathe in these things." I whined.

This time it was her who rolled her eyes at me, "Then don't come crying to me when you're all over the social media's because of me." She retorted.

I sigh, then proceed to wear the face mask. We went down from her van. Jennie tells her driver that she'll text him once they're done buying.

I look around, trying to see if people noticed her. For now, they haven't recognize her. Busy with their own lives.

"Nini, what meat should we get?" I asked her while looking around a stall selling assorted meat.

The old woman approached us, "What meat are you looking for? For grilling? For Kimchi Jjigae?" She smiles warmly at us.

Jennie points at one, "Kalbi, eomeonim." She said to the lady.

Jennie looks around the stall, I look around and saw people around a stall, hmm, why is it popular?

I went over and saw a man cooking sweet potatoes, the man looks up at me and smiles, "One please." The man nods.

He hands me over the sweet potato wrapped in foil inside a paper bag.

I checked inside the paper bag and saw a spoon, I slowly opened the foil since its hot.

I took a bite, my eyes widen, wow this is really good. I look over to the old man he was smiling at me, "Want another one, miss?"

I nod, after he hands me another one I paid and went back to where I left Jennie. I couldn't find her. I look around and saw her from another meat stall.

I approach her, "Nini." She hums while looking at the assorted meat.

She looks at me, "Wanna try?" I ask her. She nods and opens her mouth.

Her eyes widen, "It's delicious!" I smiled widely at her.

"What are you buying?" She looks back at the assorted meat, "The kalbi is not enough. How about getting pig skins?"

I raised a brow at her, "Are you allowed to eat that?"

She rolled her eyes at me, "I can, just not all the time. Only now I'm going to eat pig skin." I grin at her.

"Sure, Nini. If you say so." Then she hits me on my arm, but not too hard.

I laughed out loud at what she did. While she glares at me.

After buying, we were heading back to the van. When suddenly a bunch of kids were running, one of the old ajumma's shouted, "Yah! No running!"

One of the kid accidently bumped into Jennie, and her cap fell. The kid stop and apologized to her.

Jennie was about to pick up her cap, but the kid beat her to it.

Then we heard people whispering.

"Is that Jennie Kim?"

"Who is she with?"


"Is she gay?!"

I look over at Jennie she was iust smiling at the kid who handed her cap, "Thank you, kiddo." The kid smiled at ran past us to catch up with his friends.

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