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It's been a month since Jennie and I had dinner at that steakhouse

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It's been a month since Jennie and I had dinner at that steakhouse. She became busy, but we would text each other everyday, good morning and good night. I finally submitted the documents needed for the business loan, Somi told me that she'll just update me if I get approved or not.

I've made myself busy this past month, focusing on the cafe and football. Jisoo unnie would still pass by the cafe and hang out with us during Jennie's day offs. But, I wouldn't see her, she would rather rest than go out. I feel like she's avoiding me or something.

"Lisa!" My thoughts were interrupted when I look up and saw Jungkook getting my attention. He was the guy I saw playing football with his friends during the weekends. I finally got to play with them, they were impressed by my skills, that I became a regular on their weekly football games.

"Wait up!" I shout back at him, I was just taking a water break when I got lost in thought. I jogged back to them and we started another match.

Surprisingly, Jungkook is best friend of Taehyung Kim. My high school batch mate, whom I think had a crush on Jennie, but nothing happened. Because he never made a move on Jennie.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked me, I just nod.

He frowns at me, "You kinda spaced out. We were calling you like five times. Is it about work?"

"No. I was just trying to remember if I submitted the required documents needed for that business loan." I explained.

"Ah." Jungkook nods, I told him about the business I wanted to put up.

"Well, you'll team up with Namjoon's team." I raised a brow at him.

He just laughs, "We kept on winning as team mates. I wanna beat you as an opponent."

"Are you getting tired of me, being your team mate?" I teased him and he just laughs out loud.

"Let's see if you can beat me." He said while smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Wanna bet?" I smirk back.

"Sure. If my team wins, you have to pay for our meal after this game. And if you win, I'll pay for the meal." He raises his arm for me to shake.

I took it and shook his hand, "Make sure to score goals. Namjoon is a good goalkeeper." I teased Jungkook while he scowls at me.

I usually play right winger, but for this match I will play forward since Jungkook is now my opponent.

Taehyung places the football on the center of the field, "Lisa, heads or tails?" He asks me as I approach him.

"Tails." Taehyung flips the coin in the hair, catches it and puts it in the back of his palm. He reveals the coin to Lisa and they saw it was tails.

I smirk at Taehyung, while he just chuckles, "Lucky."

He moves back a bit while Yoon-gi Min stands near the ball, I observe and saw Seok-jin Kim standing a bit far from the goalkeeper box.

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