Just a harmless game of telling the truth... NOT!

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I have something to say really quick the things in the game I have 1D say I didn't make up I did a little research to see some funny things that they did. Just so you know. ^-^                                                                  *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

The lights have been out of some time but I just couldn't go to sleep. There's a couple reasons why 1. I wondered if the police are saying I helped in kidnapping One direction? 2. How was my parents dealing with me just magical disappearing? 3. WHAT IS TAKING CHUCK NORRIS SO DARN LONG TO FIND ME?! and lastly 4. I'm sooooo bored!

I that out my Ipod and turn it on. I type in the password and the screen unlocks with a notification that pops up bringing joy to my heart. Note the sarcasm. The notification says 20% battery left. YAY! Again sarcasm. Before I can register what's happening, the Ipod is ripped from my hands. "HEY," I yell,"Give it back jerk!" "No I'm bored." "Lou?" "That's my name!" "Ahh could you two shut up," Harry groans. "NO," we both shout together. 

"Please will you to get stop talking or at least keep it down," Liam mumbled. "Fine," I hiss. "Lou get me back my Ipod," I growl. "Hey you have our songs on your Ipod. I thought you didn't like us," Lou says still shouting. "Oh for the love of, will you both shout up," Harry yells at us. "I don't like you guys! You all sing like dying whales," I snap. 

"Oh  no you didn't," Lou yells, tackling me. "Get off of me, you freak," I yell trying to push him off of me. "NO! APOLOGISE!" I bite him hard. "OW," he screams but then he quickly rolls on top of me crushing me with his weigh.  "Ugh get off, fat lard!" "APOLOGISE," he yells again. 

"RAPE! RAPE," I scream. "Louis get off of her," one of the boys snaps, I couldn't tell who because their voices where muffled. "NO SHE MUST APOLOGISE FIRST!" "Just say your sorry, Nyra," another one says. "NEVER!" "You two are so stubborn," one says angrily. Louis gets pulled off. 

I glare at Lou and he glares back. I look down at my Ipod but the light quickly disappears as someone steps on it. "What the, what am I stepping on," Lou says and lifts his foot. My mouth falls open as the light of the Ipod returns but the screen is all cracked. 

"My baby," I yell diving for it. Scooping it up in my hands, I look at it in shock. The battery dies and the screen goes black. I snap my head up towards Lou although I can't see in the dark very well after the light was pointed in my face. "LOUIS YOU ARE A DEAD MAN," I screech, lunging forwarded.

I tackle him to the ground and start hitting him in the stomach. "YOU. KILLED. MY. IPOD!" "You deserved it," he hisses. Angry, I stand up and kick him where it hurts. He crys out in pain. "AND YOU DESERVED THAT!"  He groans and rolls onto his side. 

"Boobear! Are you alright," Harry says, quickly by his side. "Does it look like it," he growls out in pain. "Why did you do that," Harry snaps. "Well my self-defense teacher said to never, no matter what, to hit a man there but he killed my Ipod thus making it an exception." 

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look to see who the hand belonged to. It was Zayn's. "Listen," he says,"You're kind of out numbered here so my advice to you is to stop doing this to us." "How do I stop if I hate, I mean, HATE you guys." He sighs. "How about this, you stop hating us till we get out of here and I promise we will never speak to you again after we get out."

I stare at him for some time. Never see them again. Hmm. "Fine," I huff. "First apologise to Louis and the others," he says. I groan but do it anyways. "I am sorry for saying you guys sing like dying whales," I say,"Although it's the truth." I mumble the last part over my breath.

"And," Lou says looking at me. I sigh. "And for calling you names and kicking you in your manhood even though you deserved it." Lou studies me for a moment. "Apology accepted." Liam kicks Louis's foot. He glares at him but Liam gives he a knowing look. 

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