Drop dead

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"I swore we did not go this way!" "Then why don't you show me the way instead of yapping that mouth of yours," Lou snapped. I glared at him for about the tenth time. I guess you could say that the touching little moment we had was long forgotten by now. Must likely shoved into our 'This moment was sweet but it's never to be mentioned again' mental box and it all started because of some arrogant stubborn brat decided to go the wrong way. Cue imaginary arrow pointing to the guy in front of me. "Maybe I will," I snipped turning around. "Watch we'll get there in no time."


(Amanda's pov)

"James! Where have you been," I snapped. He crossed his arms unfazed. "I was taking care of some business." "Yeah well while you taking care of 'some business' the others got away!" He gave a crack. "Really? You couldn't even keep them in the room for a few hours by yourself?" My hands curled into fists, narrowing my eyes at him. "It's not my fault that Nyra found the key to the door," I growled. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah and I told you to lock her up, yet, you failed to even do that." I gasped in offense. "She doesn't even remember the last couple of days! She had to be watching the news because she's into that weird stuff. Damn her obsession for cop related things! Damn the T.V! Damn her!"

A yell came up but was caught half way in my throat letting out a strangled animal sound. I gripped my hair and pulled on it. I started pacing again. There it was again. A panic attack. I can't believe they got away. It's just... I let out a scream. "Amanda, you doing ok?" I shot him the most deadliest look I could give. "Let you care." He snorted. "Whatever. I'm going to check on the little snot." I placed my hand against the wall and leaned against it, listening to his footsteps going down the hall. I gritted my teeth, curling my hand on the wall into a fist and slamming it against the wall.

God damn it! Why? It just makes no sense! I sighed and slowly sat down. I stared at my hands that laid aimlessly on my lap. Maybe I didn't think all of this through... No I did I just chose the wrong person. A scream ripped through the air. My head whipped up in panic. Niall! I scrambled to my feet in a flight and ran towards the room he stayed in. Only to stop cold when the door swing open. James turned around to face me.

"Don't blame me." My eyes traveled down his arms to his hands. Red. I lingered on his hands for a little bit before they slipped down to the body on the floor. A boy laid there passed out. He looked really innocent and peaceful that was not including the pool of deep crimson pooling around his head. But that was it. I just... stared. I couldn't move or nothing. I felt numb. As if I was slowly slipping away. Then as if someone else was controlling me, I turned to face James. "What happened?" My voice didn't feel like mine.

"He tried getting away." James then left the room. Just like that. I turned back to Niall again. The pool of blood was bigger, a lot bigger. And I turned and left the room. Just. Like. That.


I stumbled over a root. "Ugh stupid root!" Louis chuckled. "Why would the root be stupid? It has probably been there for about twenty years. It's not the root's fault, it's yours." I crossed my arms. "Oh so you're siding with the plant?" "I'll side with anything before I side with you," he said smugly walking past me. The little... I grumbled to myself falling into step behind him staring at the ground. Wait... "Hey! I was the one who is taking the lead here!"

"We're not even closer to the place. We're lost." I stopped shocked. I was surprised that he actually acknowledged it. But as much as I hated to admit it, he was right. We were lost in the first place so how could two lost people find their way back? Thing is, could I admit it? Could I swallow my pride? "B-but Lou-" "Just forget it," he said in a dejected voice. He sat down. "You were right. We should of just stayed there and waited for the others..."

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