˗ˏˋ༻ʚ♡︎ɞ༺ˎˊ˗Chapter 1 (Pt. 1)˗ˏˋ༻ʚ♡︎ɞ༺ˎˊ˗

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That horrible night she'd never forget...When she had woken up after that night, she was in her room laying in her bed, she felt absolutely lightheaded as she sat up. She winced, soon looking at her arms and seeing the bandages on them. She examined them for a moment wondering what happened then soon remembering what happened that night. She tried to quickly get out of bed but ended up falling to the ground with a thud, before she even got a chance to walk. She whined quietly in pain, feeling a burning sensation on her arms. Her father quickly ran into the room after hearing the thud and quickly rushed over to his daughter as he saw her laying on the ground.

"Elvira! Are you alright? What happened? Oh gosh- let's get you back into bed." Her father said with a panicked tone as he quickly but gently lifted his daughter off of the ground and laid her back down onto the bed. "W-Where's momma? Can I see her...?" Elvira asked softly, her voice clearly weak and you could hear the hint of pain in her voice as she asked. Elijah frowned and looked away from his daughter for a moment, his expression clearly showed sadness in it. "She's...She's gone Elvira." He said with a hurt tone, her father clearly seemed upset, and she noticed the dried-up tear stains on her dad's dark skin. As Elvira heard that she couldn't believe that her mother was gone, or she just simply didn't want to, she wasn't going to believe that her mother just left. She wasn't going to believe that she was gone. Her mother was going to come back, she just had to. But one way or another, Elvira was going to find her mother no matter the dangers even if it cost her life.

Elvira's father helped her clean up the mess along with offering to clean her cauldron for her which really made her feel relieved. Witches knew how difficult it was to clean the cauldrons, it'd even take days or even months sometimes depending on what kind of potion it was. Once the two were done with cleaning up the potion room Flora had to prepare for bed, tomorrow would be the day she would see if she would get accepted into her dream school. She began changing into her pajamas, putting on a nice light green nightgown, she grabbed her white bonnet and put it onto her head before getting into her bed. She was extremely nervous; she didn't even know if she was going to be able to fall asleep, she sighed quietly as she laid down on her side. She glanced over at the picture frame on the nightstand, frowning a bit. It was a picture of her, and her mom together dressed up together as two black cats for Halloween. It made her heart ache knowing she wouldn't be able to experience this until she found her mother.

"I don't know how I'm going to get through this without you mom..." she mumbled, feeling a few tears start to form in her eyes but she didn't want to break down right now, so she quickly wiped them away and sat up. She tried to get her mind off of things, but it wasn't exactly working, usually in times like this people would call their friends, right? Well, that's just it, Elvira didn't have any friends, and she was practically a loner. Both the human town and witch town rejected her, and she didn't have any siblings, so she was lonely. Right now, she knew her mother would tell her to stop stressing herself out about the academy and focus on what she's going to do to make herself a great witch. It calmed her down a bit and she laid back down with a sigh. She stared up at her wooden ceiling as she could feel herself start to grow more and more drowsy by the second and before she knew it, she was fast asleep. In her sleep she could hear faint humming, the humming sounds...familiar? As if she's heard it before from somewhere but soon was snapped from her thoughts when her loud alarm went off, she immediately shot up her breath shaky.

She groaned in annoyance and rubbed her eyes as she clicked off her alarm clock and groggily got out of bed, and as she got out of bed, she could smell the sweet scent of strawberry pancakes being made in the kitchen. She quickly put on her fuzzy light green slippers before leaving her room and walking into the kitchen. She saw her father putting pancakes on two plates which she assumed was going to be for him and her. "Good morning dad, did you make strawberry pancakes this morning? She asked with a small smile on her face as she sat down at the table, kicking her feet back and forth a bit as she waited on her food. "Of course, it's your special day today so I wanted to make your favorite!" *He said with a cheery tone as he applied syrup onto the pancakes before picking up the plate and bringing it over to Elvira, placing it on the table in front of her. Elvira said a quick thank you before beginning to dig in immediately, enjoying the sweet taste of her pancakes. She hummed in satisfaction with each bite she had taken, it had made all her nerves about the upcoming acceptance letter completely vanish.

"So, how are you feeling this morning, El?" her father asked, pulling out a chair for himself before sitting down and beginning to eat his pancakes. "Well, nervous...really, really nervous but, I'm also excited. The possibility that I might get into my dream school raises my hopes a bit but the other possibility of not getting in gets my hopes down a lot." she replied, pushing her hair out of her face since it was irritating her a bit. "Elvira, you are a very good witch and I'm not only saying that because I'm your dad, but I'm also saying this because I've seen what you can do." Her father's words were genuine, and he wasn't saying that just to boost her confidence. He genuinely thought his daughter could become an amazing witch at the academy, and he was already liking the kind of which she was growing up to be.

"Thanks dad..." she said with a small smile on her face, in all honesty her dad was her number one biggest supporter, and her best friend. "No problem now let's eat before the food starts to get cold." he chuckled as he started to eat his pancakes and so did Elvira. They talked and laughed while they ate their breakfast, the atmosphere seeming lively as ever and once they finished their food they began to clean their dishes along with cleaning the kitchen. "Elvira, could you do me a favor and go out to the market and get some ingredients for a strawberry cake?" her father asked as he was wiping down the counter with a wet rag.

"Sure, just give me a minute to grab my things and I'll be back in a while." she replied before quickly rushing off towards her room. She walked over to her dresser and began looking for some clothes to wear. She put on a cute little white dress with straps and fluffs on the ends that had two light green bows on the sides of the skirt, then she grabbed a light green cardigan and put it onto her body, then a nice little white scarf. Now yes, witches normally wear dark colors, but what was wrong with wearing a few light colors every once in a while? She grabbed her little rose pouch and put it on her shoulder, she put on her white stockings then her boots. She took her hair down from the braided bun she had it in and let it flow down her back. She thought she looked nice so once she was finished, she grabbed her wand just for safety and left her room, she got the money from her dad for the ingredients and left the house. Now, once most witches turned 16, she or he would be able to ride their brooms! But since Elvira was still 15, she wasn't allowed to ride a broom, so she had to stick with walking, now she and her dad lived deep in the woods away from the towns, so it was quite a far walk for her. She hummed quietly as she was walking through the lively woods, it was already falling so the trees were red and yellow and the sound of leaves crunching could be heard.

The soft wind blew, making Elvira's dark brown braids flowing with the wind a bit. She shivered slightly and pushed her scarf up as she shoved her cold hands into the pockets of her cardigan. But suddenly Elvira got this sharp sudden headache, she groaned in pain and placed her hand on the side of her temple. Suddenly she got this weird chill up her spine and she froze. She could feel as if someone was watching her, and it frightened her. You know how you act up horribly in school and then right before school ends, you're extremely scared and anxious for what's going to happen when you're going to get home? That's exactly how Elvira felt at this very moment. Her breath started to quicken, and she could feel the goosebumps start to form on her arms, and soon she was struck in the back with some sort of electricity, a strong force making her be pushed very far back and land onto the ground with a hard thud. She grunted in pain, and looked over to see a tall man, he was pale, with yellow eyes almost like a cat, he had pointy ears similar to an elf's, long white hair, and very thin cheekbones. He had one suit and a very strong aura coming from him, the way he stared at her had her in a trance. But she snapped out of it and immediately moved quickly from her spot as she saw another lighting strike get struck at her. What the heck was going on!? Why was this guy attacking her!?

"Who the hell are you?!" she shouted at the man, but he simply didn't say anything and began rushing at her. Her eyes widened and before she knew it a lightning strike was being thrown at her and she quickly dogged it, but the man was quick as soon as she dogged it another lighting strike was thrown at her and she just couldn't dodge it this time and she was flung back into a tree, causing a huge dent in the tree. She groaned in pain, her back throbbing badly. This guy was strong, and Elvira had to figure something out fast.

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