˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ Chapter 3 ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

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             It was the next morning and Elvira was up bright and early, she had been making sure she had everything she needed and that everything was packed neatly. She was excited to say the least, she was finally getting a chance to go to her dream school. She was still a bit in shock herself but still thrilled nonetheless, but although she was done with packing, she didn't know what she wanted to wear for her first day. After all, this was going to be her first time at a brand-new school with other witches. She wanted to make a good impression and also look good. 

        Soon she just settled on wearing a simple white turtleneck, a light green cardigan with light pink flowers on it and some light green sweatpants since it was cold, and she didn't feel like wearing a skirt today. She grabbed her white sneakers and put them on and then put her hair into two puffs balls, she did her edges as well doing little swoops here and there. She did a bit of makeup on herself, sprayed some perfume before exiting her room and walking downstairs. She decided she would make breakfast for her father this morning, so she decided she'd make some eggs and bacon for him. She put on an apron so her outfit wouldn't get too messy and began to grab the two ingredients she'd need then began to cook.

         After a while she finished making breakfast and began to set the table. She grabbed certain utensils and placed them accordingly along with making her dad some coffee, just the way he likes it. Once she thought everything looked good, she left the kitchen and began walking upstairs to her father's room but as she was making her way towards his room, she could hear the faint sound of...crying? She felt this pool of worry well up in her stomach, so she walked closer to his door and knocked on it.

           "Dads. Are you alright?" she asked in a subtle tone, worry clearly lacing her tone as she spoke. She could hear shuffling around and eventually her father had opened up the door. He looked a little off, his hair was a mess, he had a few eyebags and his eyes were a bit puffy. "Yup! I feel great honey! What's up?" he asked with a small smile, she felt the need to question him further, but she also thought that it wasn't best for her to do that. "I made breakfast for you, since I won't be home for a while. I wanted to cook for you this last time before my trip to my new school." she said softly, smiling at her father while trying to hide the worry that she had for him. Her dad was surprised she had made breakfast this morning, but he wasn't upset about it, he seemed pleased actually.

          "Oh really? What did you make this morning El?" he asked as the two began to walk downstairs and into the kitchen that was still swarming with the smell of freshly cooked bacon and eggs. "Eggs and bacon! Since we had pancakes yesterday." she said to him as she pulled out a chair for him and once he sat down, she scooted his chair in for him. He said a small thanks as he watched her sit down then they both began to eat.

         "So, are you excited for today El?" he asked, picking up one of his eggs with his fork and shoveling it into his mouth. "Yup! But I'm also really nervous...I haven't been to school with other witches before. They all have been taught by professionals while I've been self-taught..." she mumbled, taking a bite out of her bacon, chewing it slowly. "Don't be El, you'll do great there. You're an intelligent girl and being self-taught proves you're more than capable of doing things on your own and learning quicker than others. You have an advantage." he reassured, pushing some of his curly brown hair back before picking up one of his pieces of bacon and taking a bite out of it. 

           "Thanks dad, I appreciate it. I'm going to miss you so much when I leave." Her tone was happy, but sadness could also be heard in her tone when she spoke. She was going to miss her dad so much, she wasn't ready to be away from him for so long, but she knew she had to get used to being without him since he wasn't always going to be with her. 

          But before she could get another sentence out, the windows flew up, a large gush of wind rushed at them, making the two shield their eyes with their forearms, but out of the corner of her eye she could see flower petals flowing in, all light pink along with a big bouquet of every sort of flower including an envelope with a pretty crimson seal that had the initials. It landed in front of Elvira, and soon the windows flew shut. "Oh wow..." she muttered, picking up the bouquet and the envelope, she placed the lovely bouquet on her lap and summoned a paper knife to cut open the letter. Once she did, she pulled out a letter along with a pretty gold ring with a pink rose with little white diamonds on it.

         She turned her attention back to the letter and began to read it, on the letter it had said: "Dear Elvira, now I know this letter is sudden but it's necessary. The ring you have found in the envelope will be your transportation to get here, all you have to do is hold the ring and say your hometown name and boom! Your transportation device will summon! But you must also think hard of the place you want to go to, and you must know it, but since you've never been here before I put a little spell on it, so you'll be able to get here. But after you use it this one time, you'll have to figure out how to get here on your own. I know, disappointing right? But I promise you, you'll get to learn how to use your transportation device once you get here. Once you're here, please meet us in the study hall for an announcement around 8:50, can't wait to have you here." - From, Head Mistress Bloom.

           Elvira was slightly in shock still, quickly realizing that it was already 8:00 and she had to be leaving soon. "Oh shoot- dad, I have to go but I promise I'll send letters and call you!" she said with a slight panicked tone as she quickly ate some more of her food as she got up from her seat but when she glanced over at her dad, he had tears in his eyes which made her stop what she was doing. 

          "Dad, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" she asked worriedly, moving around to the other side of the table so she was standing beside him. "I'm just going to miss you is all...you're growing up so fast." he chuckled, wiping the tears from his eyes. Elvira smiled a bit and wrapped her arms around her father, hugging him tightly. Her father hugged her back, trying his best not to end up having a breakdown- well, at least not in front of Elvira. "I'm going to miss you too, but I promise I'll be fine! And if I'm ever having trouble, I'll call you." she said as she pulled away from him, wiping a few of his tears away. "But I have to get going for now, but I will call you once I'm done with everything and settled in." she promised, her father nodded and soon Elvira grabbed all of her packed bags and things she'd need. She said her goodbyes to her father, before walking away from her home.

        "Let's see if this will work..." she mumbled, taking the ring she had and holding it between her thumb and index finger. "Gardenia!" She stated the name of the town and soon the small ring began to glow and flew right up out of her hand and turned into a pretty scepter. It was a golden staff with pink rose at the top and vines wrapped around it, soon the scepter fell into her hands, and she made sure to catch it. "Cool!" she said excitedly, soon she pointed the scepter in front of her and she started to think of the place she wanted to visit and suddenly a large white portal appeared, on the inside were bright colors shooting forward. She took a deep breath before slowly stepping into the portal, and the portal shut behind her.

          The portal was very fast and windy, Elvira could hardly see anything, and she almost let go of her bags, but soon she landed, perfecting only her feet, although she did stumble, she was now in front of the infamous school, Lenfia Academy of Magic. "Oh my gosh..." she muttered breathlessly, she examined the large school, it was absolutely humongous, it was painted a bright white, there seemed to be a ton of floors and the entrance was large too! In fact, it had a garden, and a large fountain of a woman holding a large book of some sort. She was amazed by how everything looked but her mood shifted a bit as she looked around, everyone was hugging their friends and greeting one another by saying "Welcome back!". Elvira was completely alone and although she was a bit sad, she couldn't focus too much on it right now, she was happy enough to be at her dream school. She pulled out the letter from earlier out of her pocket and read it all over again, she didn't know where the study hall was exactly and in this huge school it'd be definitely easy for her to get lost. 

      ¨Headmistress Bloom should have made it easy to teleport to the study hall...¨ she thought to herself, sighing quietly as she began to make her way into the school. She was prepared for this new chapter of life, and she was going to go into it with a clear head and a positive attitude.


Hey everyone! V here! So, I know this chapter was very delayed but once again I am busy with school and other activities. I don't have a set schedule but I'm trying to post chapters mainly on Sunday or the next Monday. I'm trying to write chapters faster, but I am very drained this week, thank you to the people who have been reading and supporting my story! If you have any questions just comment!

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