₊˚⊹♡Chapter 7₊˚⊹♡

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          Soon, the cloudy smoke began to fade away and soon we could finally see who the silhouette was. It was a tall man, maybe around 6,3 or 6,4 it seemed. He was a huge man, he had black stubble, and black hair that seemed to be shoulder length but was tied up in a high ponytail. Reva was squealing like an elementary school girl and shaking Kierra violently. "That's him! It's Mr. Ramiro!" she squealed, and Kierra simply rolled her eyes at her. "Stop shaking me!" she huffed, slapping Reva's hand away before crossing her arms.

         "Welcome students to power training, I will be your instructor for the semester. I am, Mr. Ramiro," he spoke, his voice booming throughout the large stadium. "In this class your skill level will be put to the test, and you will be taught things you didn't even know you could do." he explained, his eyes scanning around the stadium. 

       "Today, I will teach you how to make an energy orb. I will pick someone to teach and then demonstrate to the rest of the class so let's see..." he tapped his chin lightly with his index finger as he looked around the stadium, waiting to pick someone before soon pointing directly at Elvira. "You, young lady, please come down." he said, gesturing for the nature witch to come down to where he was standing. Elvira was nervous to be in front of so many people, but she had to get over it. She got up from her seat and quickly made her way down to the stone platform where Mr. Ramiro was standing. "What's your name, young lady?" he questioned, smiling a bit at her.

      "Elvira Amaris." she said with a nervous chuckle, standing stiff as ever. "Okay Elvira, please put your hands together in front of you and hold them like that until further instructions." she nodded and put her hands together out in front of her like she was told. "Perfect, now close your eyes and I want you to gather up all the angry and sad emotions you have, all the time someone may have done you wrong, betrayed you, abandoned you...emotions such as that." he explained, that wouldn't be too hard for Elvira since she was always bottling up her emotions inside of her. It wasn't good to do that, but she didn't seem to really care. She began to think of all the memories that made her angry or sad, for starters, the day her mother left.

         "Once you've done that, I want you to say Lux then slowly spread your hands." he said to her, so she nodded before saying "Lux!" then spread her hands like told and soon a bright orb was formed in her hands. Her eyes squinted a bit, the light making it a bit hard for her to see anything. "Well done! Although I'm sensing a lot of sad entities from it..." he muttered the last bit to himself but then smiled at the girl. 

        "Now I want you to throw it at one of those targets, make sure to keep control of the orb though because one wrong move and your classmates are going to wish they had worn sunscreen." she nodded her head, and looked over to the three large targets in the distance. She cocked her arm back before throwing the orb as far as she could. The orb moved faster than she expected and landed directly on the middle target, hitting the center and making it crack a decent bit. "This spell will be useful to you against an opponent though if you're hoping to hit a fast-moving target, I don't really recommend it." he spoke before gesturing that Elvira could go back to her seat. She quickly went back to where her friends were then sat down. "That was so cool El!" exclaimed Lucille.

         "How'd it feel seeing Mr. Ramiro up close?" asked Reva curiously and all of the girls besides Elvira groaned in annoyance. "Look Eve- I don't think Elvira honestly cares about Mr. Ramiro's looks and more about what he's teaching us all which is a good thing. You should do that as well, you know?" Ember explained, doing little motions with her hands. But with Reva it was pretty much going in one ear and out the other. "You already know she isn't listening to you Em..." Lucille mumbled as they looked over at Reva who was now still staring at Mr. Ramiro as he was explaining the history behind an energy sphere. "Alright, so I want everyone in class to stand up, give each other some space and conjure up a small energy sphere. I want it to be small so we can avoid any dangerous hazards. I'll come up and check on everyone to see how you guys are doing with it, and if you need any help feel free to ask." he said and soon everyone in the class had gotten up and began to form an energy sphere like instructed.

         Eventually class had ended, and everyone was exiting the classroom through both doors. The day went on pretty smoothly and eventually the school day was finally over. Elvira had been alone and walking through the empty halls, just wanting to look around the school and get familiar with the layouts. The halls had shiny white tiles and there were a few encouragement posters on a bulletin board and the square lights on the ceiling were shining bright as ever. She soon noticed a hanging sign that said "Library." in big black bold letters. She decided to go inside so she pushed open the dark brown doors and walked inside. She had gotten a whiff of a strong scent of coffee; pretty sure it was black coffee. 

        She walked further inside and looked around a bit. It seemed pretty cozy inside, and it had a brown coffee theme to it. There were tall wooden shelves filled with books from smallest to biggest. There were clear bubble lights hanging down from the ceiling, there were tables with four seats and some that were near the window meant for two people. In the back corners hidden away from others were beanbag cushions. Elvira felt like this would be the perfect place to nap during free period and definitely do homework in. There was also a nearby cafe connected to it which was only the icing on the cake for Elvira. She looked around in awe, then decided to go check out the history section. 

        She always loved to learn new spells and she was in luck when she spotted a book with the title that said "History of Magic Spells" on it. Yeah, she usually learns new spells from her mother's old spell book but some of them were really, really advanced. Some are even too advanced and possibly only the teachers here at Lenfia would know how to do. She went over to one of the tables near the window and pulled out a seat for herself and began skimming through the book. Some spells she knew and was still practicing on but the other ones she had just seen for the first time and of course piqued her interest. 

        "History of Magic Spells...nice choice if you're trying to become a powerful witch." a female's voice said, Elvira looked up from her book and saw a girl with dark purple s with silver clips on them that had dangly stars. She had pretty hazel eyes and had dark brown skin that looked like chocolate. Elvira was a bit stunned almost before clearing her throat and speaking. "Erm yeah, I like reading the history of spells. Not just for that reason but because I simply enjoy learning about the past." she explained. "Hm, reasonable. I like reading the history of mythical creatures and herbs, not as cool as spells but still." the girl said with a toothy smile, her dimples beginning to show. Elvira could've sworn she felt her heart skip a bit just from the girl smiling. 

         "No, no that's cool. I like reading about herbs as well. Kind of makes sense because I'm a-" "Nature witch? Yeah, I could tell." she chuckled, propping her head up on her hand as she looked at Elvira. "I haven't introduced myself yet, have I? My name is Hesperia, pleasure to meet you." she said softly, her voice sounding enticing as ever to the point it was practically hypnotizing Elvira. "I'm Elvira, it's nice to meet you as well." she said with a nervous smile, she didn't understand why she was so nervous all of a sudden, but she knew it definitely had something to do with this girl. The two had got to talking about magical herbs, creatures and spells and soon lost track of time.

          It was soon closing time for the library, and they didn't know until they heard the intercom in the library. "Ah...We should get going before they lock us in here." Said Hesperia as she got up from the table. Elvira was a bit disappointed they would have to part ways soon, but she knew they couldn't stay in here. "Ah alright...will I maybe see you tomorrow?" Elvira asked hesitantly, standing up from her seat and holding her book in her arms. Hesperia made a thinking face before answering the girl "Sure, same time tomorrow." she said softly, a smile plastered on her lips. Soon the two said their goodbyes and parted ways, both heading back to their dorm rooms. 

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