ʚɞ Chapter 10 ʚɞ

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       Soon they stopped near a swamp, trying to catch their breaths as they all panted a bit. "Your plan actually worked El!" exclaimed Lucille who had a tired smile on her face. "Yeah but now she led us into this disgusting swamp..." Reva grumbled as she looked towards the green murky water. It had a horrid stench reeking from it and the water just looked disgusting. There were a few dead leaves floating around, a few logs and lily pads which frogs probably hopped on. "Well, would you prefer to still be with those birds?" Elvira questioned, Reva rolled her eyes and didn't say anything.

     "That's what I thought." she hummed, soon turning around and placing her hands on her hips. They couldn't go forward unless they wanted to step through the murky water but it didn't seem to be the safest option. Who knows what's lurking in that water? "Hm, maybe I could free the lake? You know, make it easier for us to cross?" Lucille suggested but Elvira shook her head no. "No, because then we'll risk hurting animals that are possibly down there." Elvira replied, as she looked over the water. "Damn...having brooms right now would be great." Ember groaned in annoyance.

"Then what are we supposed to do Ms. Know it all? How are we supposed to get past this disgusting swamp?" Reva questioned, clearly having an attitude with Elvira. Elvira wasn't trying to make enemies but if Reva kept acting like this they were surely to fail the test if the two of them didn't get along and Elvira definitely didn't want everyone to fail because of the little squabble going on between the two of them. "I think I can make us a boat out of wood and ores? It'll be easier for us to get across that way without worrying about having to go around or fly across." Elvira said. "That could actually work, nice going El." Kierra said as she patted the girl's shoulder. Elvira smiled and soon got to work trying to make a boat from wood and trying to make it safe enough for them so they wouldn't possibly sink.

 Soon a dark brown boat made from oak wood was on the dirt ground and Elvira muttered a spell whose roots sprouted up from the ground and carried the boat into the water and dropped it in, making the murky water splash a bit onto some of the girls which made them groan with disgust. "Alright let's get in girls, and be careful to not make the boat tip over." Elvira warned before carefully getting into the boat, feeling it begin to rock a bit which made her a bit wobbly but she tried to keep her composure then carefully sat down in it and picked up one of the ores. Soon the other girls carefully got into the boat and sat down. Bronwyn offered to help Elvira with guiding the boat. So she handed the girl the other ore and they soon began to sail across the dreary water.

"I hate this place so much..." Reva grumbled as she swatted away flies and had a look of disgust on her face. "We'll be out of here soon, just be patient." Elvira sighed, wondering how long it'd be before they even made it out of the swamp. "This was your worst idea yet! I mean, how far does this swamp even go? Do you even know where you're taking us?" Elvira's eye twitched from annoyance and she took a deep breath as she tried to focus on getting them to safety or at least to land. "I mean what if you're leading us into the wrong direction and we get lost or something, you should've-"

"Can you be quiet for once?! For once! You haven't done anything to help us so quite frankly you have no say in what I'm doing right now. So far my plan has worked so just sit there and keep your mouth shut alright? Unlike you, I want us to pass, Reva. If you keep trying to argue with me we're going to end up failing. Do you really want us to all fail on our first week of school?" Elvira questioned, Reva slumped down into her seat and simply shook her head, a small frown on her face. She almost looked a bit ashamed of herself. Everyone was in a bit of utter shock and silence after that, Reva seemed embarrassed as well since her face was flushed red and she wasn't even making eye contact with anyone around her. As they were going through the swamp, some green fog began to arise all around them and the swamp.

"What the heck is that?!" Reva asked with a panic tone as she watched the fog, Kierra squinted her eyes and began looking around. Elvira could hear the faint sound of water bubbling up but with each passing second the sound seemed to be getting louder. Elvira could feel her nerves rising in her body and she was getting worried about what or who was causing it. "Seems like we're not alone..." Bronwyn mumbled as she looked out towards the green fog before seeing a dark figure begin to appear. The girl's began to get nervous as they watched the silhouette getting closer and closer to them.

"Be on your guard girls..." Kierra muttered as she picked up one of the wooden ores like a bat and held it tightly in her hands. Elvira did the same and squinted her eyes at the figure and before she knew it a black dagger was shot quickly at her. She quickly ducked her head as she soon saw the dagger hit a tree, and almost instantly the tree began to fall over and hit the ground with a loud thud.

The six girl's were in shock of what happened then shifted their gaze quickly to the figure who threw the dagger at them. The mysterious figure had on a black witch doctor mask, and a black, dark purple cloak. The figure wore a long black dress, and had on tall black heels that were very pointy and could probably stab someone's eye out. "Who the heck is that?" Lucille said with a panicked voice as she looked at the figure, and before they knew it another dagger was shot at them. It landed in front of them in the water and the murky water immediately grew into a big wave which caused the boat to move a lot and the water to splash on them.

"This is disgusting!" Reva cried out in annoyance, now soaked and dripping wet with water. "We need to get out of here right now!" stated Elvira, Kierra nodded in agreement and began to row through the water with the ore and Elvira did the same but that didn't stop the figure who was only following them at a rather quick speed.

"He's catching up to us!" Reva shouted, looking back at the figure with worry. "We need to slow it down!" Elvira nodded in agreement, before looking towards Bronwyn. "Take over rowing for me." she said before handing the ore to the girl and getting up from her spot and turning to face the stranger who was chasing after them. She put her hands up and began to mutter a spell under her breath, the tree branches around them and vines began to grow and shoot out towards the figure while others began to create a sort of wall to prevent the stranger in the mask from following them. The wall was taking quite some time to build and the figure was coming at them quickly. Lucille moved out of her seat and tried to help hold off the mysterious figure by shooting icicles at them.
 Luckily it did sleep to slow them down. "We need to row faster!" Lucille shouted with a panicked tone. Ember quickly moved to the back of the boat where Elvira and Lucille had been. She soon formed fire at her hands and pointed it towards the water, soon shooting it towards it and causing them to move back faster almost like a speed boat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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