ᯓ★Chapter 8ᯓ★

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         It was the next morning and Elvira was getting ready in the bathroom alongside Lucille who was brushing her teeth and Reva who had on a light green face mask. "So, did y'all hear about the test in potionology? I mean it's the first week of school! And they're already giving out tests. Unbelievable." Reva huffed as she took a bite out of the shiny red apple she had in her hand. "It shouldn't be too hard- at least I don't think it will be. I mean like you said, it is the first week after all so they might not give us something too hard." Said Elvira as she put her hair into one big puff then put on a light green head wrap and wrapped it around the top of her head.

 "Well maybe not the other teachers but Ms. Blair definitely will! I mean that woman is always so cranky and has an issue with almost everyone!" stated Reva as she soon began to take off the green face mask and threw it away. "Chill out Reva or you're going to develop stress wrinkles." Lucille teased and Reva immediately started to panic and began checking the mirror for any signs of wrinkles on her face. But when she realized there was none she sighed with relief and crossed her arms. "Instead of worrying about my wrinkles, Lucille, worry about those frown lines you have." she huffed before exiting the bathroom and Lucille rolled her eyes.

        The two witches soon exited the bathroom and began grabbing their things from their rooms then met up with the other witches in the common room to head to breakfast together. Elvira noticed how Bronwyn never came with them despite that she was one of their roommates, why did she always distance herself from them? Elvira knew she couldn't force her to join them, but she would at least like to get to know her since they're living together.

 "Ember was Bronwyn always so distant when you first met her?" asked Elvira curiously, the red head shrugged her shoulders and pushed her hands down into the pockets of her black jeans. "Uh yeah pretty much, she wouldn't really talk to us but since her name was on the room door like the rest of ours that's how we figured out her name. She didn't really say a word to us." replied Ember as she opened the cafeteria doors for the group and soon entered after everyone. 

"Maybe she's just socially awkward and doesn't have great communication skills?" Lucille added, "Maybe we all should try talking to her after school? Maybe then we could try to get to know her better and she can get to know each other!" all five girls nodded their heads in agreement with her and that was then the plan for after school.

        After the girls had discussed their plan over breakfast and left the cafeteria, they went on to their classes and the day had gone pretty well until they had gotten to Mr. Ramiro's class. They had taken their seats and of course they were chatting away as usual until they heard the familiar low voice of the teacher begin to speak. "Good afternoon class, today we will be doing something completely different from our usual assignment, this will continue on from this week and next week. It's called the S.A.T which stands for skill ability test. I will put you all into groups of six and you and your group will go through the S.A.T together and all your abilities, skill level, and knowledge will be put to the test during the S.A.T. Any questions?" he asked, clasping his hands together. Ember's hand soon shot up and Mr. Ramiro gestured for her to speak.

         "How much will this affect our grades and how will we be scored on this?" she asked, before lowering her hand back down onto her lap. 

"Well, it'll be graded on how quick you and your group can adapt to your surroundings and the challenges that come your way, but also the most important thing that will be at least 85% of your grade will be teamwork and how well you can work with others. If even one person fails to do that your whole team fails, and you all will most likely receive a D- or an F. So, it would be highly recommended that you keep that in mind." he said with that same gentle smile that all the girls in our class seemed to fawn over. 

"Now, are there any more questions?" he asked as he looked around the room "Alright then we'll get moving along with the test!" He soon pulled out a clipboard from Gods knows where and began flipping through the pages. "So! I've already picked out your groups and when I call you down here, please bring whatever you find necessary," he said before beginning to read the names on the list. 

"Our first group will be Elvira Amaris, Ember Rose, Kierra Luell, Reva Solaris, Lucille Morrow and Bronwyn Anastasia." All five girls looked at each other with big smiles, happy that they all would get to work together during the test. But Elvira glanced around the room and her eyes landed on Bronwyn who was sitting by herself without anyone around her and she was frowning. She seemed nervous. The five girls began to get up and grabbed their belongings and walked down the stairs and made their way over to Mr. Ramiro.

          He made a hand motion that gestured for them to follow him. They didn't know where they were following him but as the man walked forward, he seemed to be grabbing something but...nothing was there? He soon made a pulling motion and soon in front of them was a room. All the girl's eyes widened and had an expression of pure shock written on their faces.

 "Ah, I should probably explain. This here is a portal but more of a different kind. When you recite the spell, it creates a magical doorway for you, and you won't have to do much other than walk through it." he explained before walking into the next room over. All the girls looked at each other, wondering who would walk through the door first. But Bronwyn decided to be the one to go through second, swiftly walking past the group of witches. Soon the other girl's followed suit. They were soon inside a large room; it was dark and had metal floors beneath them that made a clinking sound with each step they had taken. The walls around them were all dark, and there were no windows on the wall. 

Well, except for one, it was very high up and on the inside were two chairs and in front those chairs seemed to be a control system with a bunch of buttons. Elvira took a deep breath and tried to prepare for what was about to happen.

(A/N: Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't been responding much, I haven't really gotten a chance to post because of home stuff and dealing with other things. I'm trying to post more frequently but it's hard to keep a schedule while working on this BUT IMMA TRY ANYWAYS. Already working on the next chapter, can't wait to see wat awaits Elvira and her friends ^^) - Void.

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