0.5 - Spin Spin The Wheel

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Omg, I totally forgot this story existed between my classes. Thank you lilyac_21 for reminding me that some people are enjoying this bit of craziness that comes from my imagination. I know it's not that long of a chapter and not very important but hope it works for all of us for now. This chapter has been sitting in the folders for ages so keep in mind that it's not edited properly (hope I can do it soon too).



Dahlia's second year at Beauxbatons began with the promise of new adventures and challenges. Her bond with Sophie, Mylan, and Yelena grew over letters during the summer break. The children were excited to be finally back to school. Dahlia was a bit sad when she learned it would be her mentor Genevieve's last year in school but she had already started planning a graduation gift for her. It was going to be a photo album that included all of Genevieve's friends' photos including the ones taken when she didn't notice. 

Dahlia was to use a non-magique camera as she didn't have any wizarding one but guessed Genevieve would appreciate the gift no less. That was why she had packed extra photo sheets and a few options for album design to decide with Sophie later. The carriage waited for her in a pre-determined place as it was her second year just like Yelena had said. Dahlia had no problem finding Madame LaRue waiting by a tree once she reached her destination and that was how her second schooling year began. She was twelve now, and she couldn't be more excited for Harry and hopefully, Dudley to reach their eleventh birthday so she could start talking to them about all the magical adventures she had away from home. Unfortunately, she had to wait for two more years. 

As their classes went on, Dahlia, Sophie, and Mylan continued to excel in their respective subjects. Mylan was the best amongst their group in Transfiguration, always finding a way to change Dahlia's hair ties into unrelated objects like snitches or quills, driving her mad while he laughed with Sophie. Her best friend, Sophie wasn't as good with transfiguration but when it came to Charms, Dahlia always knew she needed the dark-haired girl's help. With Madame LaRue's guidance, Dahlia became very good at potions over the time she spent at the chateau. 

One sunny day, as they sat in Professor Marlie's Charms class, Dahlia marveled at the intricate wand movements required for a complex levitation charm. Sophie was trying to whisper helpful tips to her friend, "Remember, Dahlia, it's all about the flick of the wrist," Sophie advised, demonstrating the precise movement. 

The professor turned around to see what the fuss was about, seeing Sophie helping Dahlia she let it go, instead focusing on another student who did the wand movement wrong. Dahlia looked up to see Mylan on the other side of the classroom, he was equally, if not more, focused. He had been practicing a levitation charm with his feather, trying to perfect it. Sophie shook her head grinning at their frustration over a simple charm, not leaving her eyes from her own feather which had been flying around for two minutes now. 


The day of Mylan's first official Quidditch match had arrived at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and the school's Quidditch stadium buzzed with excitement. Dahlia, Sophie, and Yelena, all proudly wearing blue and yellow scarves, took their seats in the stands, eagerly awaiting the match. Mylan's team was called 'The Ralleywood Crows' and Dahlia couldn't help but admit that the colors were a bit strange together but anything for Mylan, right?

The opposing team was called 'The Hinkypunks', and as Sophie stated earlier their colors (pink and black) were much better than Ralleywood's. The players took to the skies as the Quaffle was released into the air. Ralleywood was good but Hinkypunks was known for their swift and skilled players in the school.

Mylan was stationed as a chaser. He was living a dream he had nurtured since he first mounted a broom, and his friends couldn't have been prouder. One of the other chasers was to graduate this year just like Genevieve and Dahlia had thought about trying out for that position but she had yet to decide if she wanted to risk being hit in the head by a bludger. 

As the match began, the quaffle passed between players with astonishing speed. Mylan darted through the air, dodging bludgers and rival players with finesse. Dahlia, Sophie, and Yelena cheered him on, their voices joining the chorus of both teams' supporters. With a sudden burst of speed, Mylan seized the quaffle and expertly maneuvered past the opposing chaser.  He exchanged the ball with the other chaser as they neared the hoops, Mylan took the possesiıon of the quaffle again before throwing it at one of the hoops with all his strength. The stadium erupted in cheers as he scored his first goal of the match, propelling his team into the lead.

Dahlia clapped her hands together, her heart swelling with pride. "That's our Mylan!" Sophie and Yelena waved their scarves frantically, shouting encouraging words as Mylan continued to shine on the Quidditch pitch.

The match continued with breathtaking dives, daring saves, and exhilarating goals. Mylan's determination and skill were evident in every move he made, and it was clear that he had found his place on the team. As the Ralleywood Crows' seeker caught the snitch signaling their victory, the stadium erupted into a deafening roar. Mylan, floating on his broomstick, shared triumphant smiles and high-fives with his teammates.

Dahlia, Sophie, and Yelena rushed to the pitch to congratulate Mylan. Dahlia hugged him tightly. "You were incredible out there!"

Mylan grinned, his cheeks flushed with excitement. "It was a dream come true. Thanks for being here, guys." The friends celebrated together, their spirits soaring as they reveled in Mylan's triumph on the Quidditch pitch. 


Halloween had always been one of Dahlia's favorite holidays, filled with costumes, candies, and 'magical' pranks. However, she soon learned that the French wizarding community didn't celebrate Halloween with the same enthusiasm as they did back in Britain.

One brisk October evening, Dahlia and her friends gathered in the common room, all dressed in costumes that ranged from witches and wizards to mythical creatures. They had eagerly anticipated the festivities, but as the night wore on, it became apparent that Halloween was not a big event at Beauxbatons. Sure, they dressed up but that was pretty much it. No other decorations or special food, some students didn't even bother changing out of their school robes as they were not very familiar with the concept. 

Dahlia, dressed as a pixie, couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. She turned to Sophie, who was dressed as a friendly ghost. "It's strange, isn't it? Back in England, Halloween was a big deal."

Sophie nodded, her translucent costume swaying with the movement. "It's different here. But that doesn't mean we can't have our own fun. Let's plan a magical Halloween prank."

Their plans led to enchanted pumpkins floating through the halls and ghostly apparitions appearing unexpectedly. While the French students may not have celebrated Halloween in the same way, they couldn't resist joining in on the magical fun.


"Dear dad and mother, 

The second year started pretty well with all the classes and outside activities. I watched multiple quidditch matches this year as Mylan was selected into one of the teams and we're always there to support him. I thought about trying out for one too but I think I'll pass for the upcoming few years. 

I will be visiting Aveline Manor this summer, so I won't be coming home for a few weeks but don't worry about me, Madame LaRue will send you a fire message if anything goes out of plan. I also got help from her to bound our fireplace to the floor line so some Ministry workers may pay you a visit. Madame Maxime told me there were probably house elves waiting for the heir to arrive so I wouldn't be alone in the Aveline Manor. I'll make sure to send you a letter as soon as possible with news from our manor. 

Who knows maybe one day we might live there.

With lots of love,

Your daughter, Dahlia Dursley-Avaline."


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