demon slayer oc 9

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Full name: Esmeralda Bellerose
Name Meaning:
Esmeralda: Emerald
Bellerose: beautiful rose
Age: 24
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Personality: Esmeralda is tough and always speaks her mind, even if it causes confrontation and she respects those who do the same. As a hashira, she proves to be very fearless and independent, freely traversing Japan while bravely facing any demons she comes across. Despite her brash demeanor, Esmeralda isn't above assisting others. She also requested an hashira help while fighting an demon on one occasion, showing that she isn't unwilling to ask for help from other hashira's despite her solo disposition.


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. Manhandle the person when she gets mad
. Twirls her hair between her fingers when nervous
. Kicks the person crotch for male and pulls the woman hair when they manged to pissed her off

Rank: hashira
Breathing style or demon art: Breathing style

Breathing style counts: 7

Dreams Breathing style credit goes to PuppetFactory

First Form: Drifting Slumber

The easiest of all the forms. The user hides
themselves in a secluded location and releases the deadly sleeping toxin into the air. The unsuspecting demon will be surrounded in a thick cloud of Wisteria gas and slowly drift off unconsciously, leaving the perfect time to attack

Second Form: Nighty-Night

The user cuts their blade across the demon's
eyes and severs their vision. Releasing their
Wisteria gas directly into their eyes and
causing them to go blind temporarily

Third Form: Constant Drift, Lofting Remedies

Similar to Water Breathing's Constant Flux,
the user swerves around at quick speeds and releases their toxin into the air. This not only can decapitate several targets, but it leaves a thick fog of Wisteria gas in the air.

Fourth Form: Sweet Dreams

A rather horrifying attack, the user trusts their blade deep into the opponent and releases the gas into their body. The demon's body slowly starts to wilt and wither away as they are too paralyzed to move. Slowly decomposing as the beautiful scent of Wisteria flowers fills the air.

Fifth Form: Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

The user swerves around the opponent and
releases a large circle of gas around them.
As the opponent slowly inhales the deathly
toxin, they start to feel small amounts of pain in areas of their body. This sensation is said to feel as if you were being eaten alive by a million bugs.

Sixth Form: Sleepwalking Reflex

The user manages to calm down their entire
body and "sleep" when in the midst of battle. While their body is resting, their nerves are still extremely active and become defensive to even the smallest of attacks. Useful for defending the user while they rest from a long and tiring battle.

Seventh Form: Nightmare Fuel

When up against a stronger demon who takes longer to succumb to the gas, the user can manipulate the toxins around them with their sword, to cause delirious hallucinations. This can send the demon into a state of frenzy, and often leaves them extremely vulnerable.

Friends: the hashira's and tanjirou and his group

Enemies; demon's

Crush: Kokushibo
Backup crush: Senemi Shinazugawa

. Mina Bellerose: mother/hashira/alive
. Van Bellerose: father/bakery owner/alive

Backstory: Esmeralda is born to French couple as her mother is a hashira and he'd father is a bakery owner. And her mother have cherry Blossom breathing style as it is inspired by flower Breathing style. And how the mother learned it, before she have move to Paris, she was kanae tsugoku as she decided to make cherry Blossom Breathing style as a way to be it similar to flower Breathing style in an different style. Anyways now, when Esmeralda is a teenager, she was taught the cherry Blossom  Breathing style by her mother. And after a few years or so, Esmeralda is an adult as she became an hashira aka cherry Blossom hashira as she was transfers to Japan to be an hashira in Japan.

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