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Finally an update 💃💃💃

Chapter nine

They say you plan and Allah plans, and He is the best of planners.

But at times when life serves you one, you begin to doubt wether Allah has forsaken you? Or perhaps have your prayers never reached him yet? Or is it just a test? And if it is, why when things are already bad enough?

And you begin to question how much more will come, or is that it? Have your threshold been reached? Can you take any more? Can you endure some more? How will you preserver? And more importantly, until when?

But still, the only effective and best thing to do is turn to Allah, the Almighty, the planner of things, the easer of pain, cos only He can make it all better. Only He can repay you for your patience in a way even you would never imagine.

After praying the Jum'at prayer, Ilyas was on his way to drop him off at the office before going back home when Khalifah received a call. He answered even though it's an unsaved number.

"Assalamualaikum." A man's voice salaamed.

"Wa alaikumassalaam wa rahmatullah." He answered.

"Am I speaking with Khalifah please?" The man asked in a not quite fluent English.

"Yes, you are. How may I help you?"

"Oh good afternoon."


"I'm Olu, calling from Ojota park, you know Mallam Jameelu right?"

"Uh yeah, Yasmin's father right?"

"Yes yes, I wanted to inform you that um... he has passed on. Four days ago."

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." Khalifah sat up tensed. "How?! We talked some days back and he told me he'd be away for some time then how... What happened?!"

"Wallahi they were attacked by thugs on the highway. We've been trying to contact his sister but couldn't so I called you when I got hold of his phone. He has been buried already I just wanted to let his daughter know."

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." Khalifah's body trembled and Ilyas pulled over, noticing there was a problem.

"Khalifah what is it?" Ilyas sought.

"I... Are you really sure about this?" His voice rasped, heart breaking into a thousand pieces.

"Jameelu is gone, may Allah forgive his soul."

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." Khalifah slipped the phone off his ear, shaking like a phone on vibrate.

"Hey man what's up? Is someone dead?" Ilyas asked worriedly.

"Yasmin's dad, he's dead." Khalifah mumbled, his eyes tearing up.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." Ilyas exclaimed, aware of who he was.

"T-take me home."

"Ya rabba." Ilyas mumbled, igniting the engine.

* * *

Khalifah alighted before Ilyas switched off the engine and ran into the house only to meet two men; a police and an elderly man in the living room.

He didn't bother to give them a second look and only hurried to the kitchen which was where Yasmin mostly was if she's not working elsewhere.

He saw her making poundo and he stopped by the door, sure that she still hasn't heard the news.

"Y-yasmin." He stammered and she whipped her face to the door, turned the food some more and reduced the fire.

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