Imagine 3 ~ Beach Day

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Prompt: you enjoy a fun day at the beach with your pogue friends and boyfriend

Warnings: mentions of alcohol, slight swearing


Y/n Pov:

It's late morning and I am slowly awakening from the bright sun rays beaming through the curtains. I look over at JJ and smile at how adorable he looks. We're currently in the guest bedroom at the chateau, I am lying on my back while JJ is sleeping on his stomach with his arm wrapped around my waist. I try to get up to go the washroom without waking him, but fail because as soon as I move JJ is pulling my closer to his warm body and nuzzles his head in my neck. 

"Good morning princess" Jj says into my neck. 

"Good morning babe" I respond. I try wiggling out of his arms, but he tightens his hold on me not letting me go. "Baby I need to go to the bathroom" He shakes his head and says, "Just stay here a little longer." I give in and nuzzle back into his warmth. I guess we both fell asleep because we wake up to John B banging on the door and walking in. "Bro what the fuck?" Jj yells at him. "Well good morning to you too." He flips Jj off.  I ignore their bickering, "Good morning John B" He averts his gaze to me and responds, "Good morning, y/n. You guys get up and get ready we're going to the beach." Then he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. 

I try getting up for real this time and Jj being Jj doesn't let me. "Jj we need to get up, come one." He finally gives in and releases his grip on me. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my skincare. Once I'm done with my skincare I comeback into our room, not bothering to put on makeup because we're going to the beach and it'll just come off in the water anyways. I rummage through my drawer picking out my bikini and outfit to go over top.

This is the outfit I'm picturing (feel free to picture whatever you'd like):

I put on some deodorant and my favourite perfume and I leave the room to join everyone on the porch

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I put on some deodorant and my favourite perfume and I leave the room to join everyone on the porch. When Jj hears me come out to the porch he looks up and gives me a big grin and looks at me with nothing but adoration in his eyes. He comes over to me and hugs me and whispers in my ear, "You look so beautiful, my love." When we pull away from the hug I'm a blushing mess. Even though we've been dating for months, he still gives me butterflies everyday.

Everyone is now ready to head out so we gather in the Twinkie. John B and Sarah in the front and the rest of us in the back. Once we arrive at the beach we all get out and find a spot near the water. The girls and I take off our clothes and lay down on our stomachs beside each other to tan. After a few minutes, Jj starts taking his shirt off and I stare at him. Gosh he's so handsome. I think to myself. I look away before he notices me, but I guess I was too late because he looks at my while I'm looking away and just smirks.

                                                                                     ~Time skip~

I've been lying reading for a while when I decide I should go in the water because it is so hot outside. I stand up and walk towards the water. As I'm walking to the water, Jj decides to join me and is trailing behind me. We're now in the water standing beside each other, I swim away from him so I can dunk my hair. Once I resurface, I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he kisses right under my ear. I smile and turn to face him to a smile on his face. 

"I love you" I tell him looking into his eyes. His smile somehow gets bigger while he looks all over my face as if he's trying to savour this moment. "I love you, Princess." God I'll never get over these nicknames. We stay here a few minutes before the others decide to get out of the water. I join Kie in looking at seashells, while Jj joins John B and Pope in drinking beer.

Jj Pov:

I'm sitting with Pope and John B drinking beers and talking about random shit while the girls are walking along the shoreline looking for seashells and turtles. After about an hour they come back to where we are sitting. Y/n comes over to me and sits down beside me. I wrap my arm around her waist and listen to her while she tells me and shows me all of the shells she collected. She's talking with the biggest smile on her face and excitement shining through her eyes. And I've never seen anything so beautiful. Sometimes I still get starstruck by her. I love how excited she gets to show me the little things she loves. 

After a few hours, we are now leaving the beach to go chill at the Chateau for a while. The suns beginning to set and I've noticed that y/n hasn't come out to the porch yet. I'm guessing she's in the shower because she usually does after the beach.

Y/n Pov:

Today has been one of the best days. Hanging out with my friends and Jj makes me so happy. Everyone has gone inside to change and freshen up for the night. I was going to join them, but I saw the sun starting to set, so I go and sit on the dock to watch it. I adore my friends and Jj so much, but I love these little moments by myself. I love watching the sunset it has been one of my favourite things to do by myself because it is so peaceful. So, I'm just going to sit here and enjoy my own company for a little bit. 

I must've lost track of time because the next thing I know I'm getting a bunch of text messages from Jj.

                                                                                            My Love ❤️

Where are you?


Y/n where are you princess?

I'm out on the dock baby.


 After a few seconds I can hear footsteps coming down the dock that I know belong to Jj before even looking up. He sits next to me with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"  I smile at him. God he's so so cute. "I'm good Jj." I say laughing a little at the look on his face. "Are you sure? Why are you sitting out here by yourself?" I turn my body to face him, "Yes I'm perfectly fine, Im just watching the sunset. Look how pretty it is." His concerned frown turns into a smile, he looks out at the sunset and back at me. My face is still looking at the sunset when he says, "Ya it's pretty, but I know something more beautiful." I turn to see him looking into my eyes. I put my hands on each side of his face and pull his lips to mine, which he responds right away, moving his lips along mine while pulling me closer by my waist. After a moment we pull away and I say, "God I love you so much." he responds, "And I love you so much."

We spend the rest of the night in each others company just looking up at the stars before we head in for the night. 

1284 words


Thank you for reading, Please leave requests, so I know what to write!!!!

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