Imagine 4 ~ Frustrated

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Prompt: Jj is trying to learn how to braid your hair, but keeps getting frustrated.

Warnings: slight swearing


Y/n Pov:

Today has been quite a chill day. The Pogues and I have just been chilling at the chateau pretty much all day because it's been raining on and off. We're currently sitting out on the porch, Jj is sitting on a chair, Pope and John B are sitting on the couch, Kie and Sarah are sitting on the floor in front of the couch, and I am sitting on the floor between Jj's legs. 

The girls and I are currently making little bracelets with beads that Kie brought here. We like to do little things like this when it's raining. While the boys are talking above us. I'm currently making Jj a bracelet, which I hope he likes. 

~Time Skip~

It's been a while and now I'm sitting here reading because I got bored of making bracelets. While I'm reading Jj starts playing with my hair, which makes me get butterflies. Jj's love language is physical touch, but it never fails to give me butterflies every time. He's running his fingers through my hair and I just continue reading. 

After about twenty minutes Jj is still playing with my hair when I hear him huff, sounding frustrated. Confused I turn to look at him and question, "What's wrong, J?" Instead of answering my question he just turns me around and says,  "Just sit still." and he starts playing with my hair again. 

It's been like five minutes and I hear Jj spill a line of curse words under his breath and he stops playing with my hair, clearly getting more frustrated. "Baby, what're you trying to do?" I ask him turning my head to see his face. He looks very confused and frustrated and he says, "I'm trying to braid you hair but I keep messing it up."

 I stand up and sit on Jj's la, he places his arm around my waist and I tell Sarah to come here so I can show Jj how to braid. She sits on the floor in front of us and I turn to look at Jj, "Watch what I do, okay babe." He nods at me and rests his chin on my shoulder is he can see what I'm doing. I turn back around and grab a section of Sarah's hair, sectioning it into three parts. "You have to section it into three, then you cross them over each other." I start to cross her hair and start doing a simple braid, checking to make sure Jj is following.

"Do you understand it now?" I say to Jj over my shoulder, he responds by nodding and saying, "Ya I think so." I brush my hands through Sarah's hair removing the braid and thank her as she goes back over to sit with John B. I sit in front of Jj, and say, "Ok, Now do what I just showed you, you can do it J." 

I feel his fingers section little bit of my hair as he starts braiding my hair. "I think I'm getting the hang of this now." Jj says after a while. "Good job, love." I say, then get up I sit on his lap, snuggling into his side. Curious to what made him want to braid I ask quiet enough for just him to hear, "What made you want to suddenly learn how to braid?" Quietly he says, "Because when we have a kids in the future I want to know how to do their hair." That made my heart get all warm and fuzzy and I say, "How many kids do you want?" I ask because we've never really talked about this before. "However many you'll give me." I smile at him and give him a quick kiss on his lips. 

"I love you J." I tell him, "I love you, Y/n." He responds.

And we spend the rest of the day cuddled up on the porch.

664 words


Hey, this ones a little shorter than the others. Please let me know some ideas of what scenarios you would like to see. Im having trouble trying to come up with them. Please leave me requests either in the comments or even dm me!!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this one. 

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