Chapter II: Part II - Heartbreaker

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"You want some of this?" Richard passed the joint filled with Cannabis towards Chris who sat in the back seat of the Black Ford F150 which was situated in the parking lot outside the Wendy's near Chris' place; about a twenty minute walk from downtown towards his place in Boyle McCauley.

"Please, and thank you!" Chris replied, as per usual.

Smoke filled the air; a lavender haze, so to speak.

One of the men who was sitting beside Chris; took the joint from Richard and handed it to Chris, who took the joint and inhaled a long drag from the 'left handed cigarette.'

"That stuff is Indica. It'll keep you couch locked for hours! I got it off this Somalian guy," Richard said to Chris.

Chris leaned back, and slid into the cushion of the back stack.

"You sure you're good to walk home? You sure you don't want a ride?"

"I need to stop off and get cigarettes from Sammy's in Chinatown, first." He replied.

"Ok. Well: how about I give you a ride to Chinatown? You're good from there?"

"Yeah, I should be." Chris replied.

Richard ignited the truck's engine and the keys 'jangled,' and into the night - went Richard, his friends and Chris - the sissy princess.

Chris pulled out his phone from his purse, "One text message: 'Hi Baby. I'm going to see my mom this weekend.' Bull shit, he is. He's probably cheating on me." Chris thought to himself as he read the message to himself inside his head.

The truck pulled up to the store outside of Chinatown's main promenade; just outside the curb of Sammy's convenience store which always seemed to be open until two in the morning - lucky enough for Chris.

"Stay safe!" Richard said to Chris as he hopped out of the truck with his purse and its contents.

The truck began to pull away while another vehicle pulled up behind it. Inside: was the same man from the bar, and his friend.

The truck sped away down the road, and Chris entered the store.

"Hi! How are you?" He greeted the cashier who was working the night shift.

"Good, brother: how are you?"

"Oh you know-" and then: the same man entered the store; noticed Chris, and directed himself towards the corner of the store near the soft drink cabinet.

"Two blues, please." Chris asked the Cashier.

'Blues' were what illegal smooth filtered cigarettes were referred to as; as referring to them as anything else would have you effectively banned from the premises of not only the store in question but the surrounding stores which partook in the tobacco scheme.

Chris paid for the cigarettes and placed the packages inside of his purse, and exited the store while waving 'goodbye,' to the clerk.

The man watched as Chris left, and made his way to the counter with a box of condoms.

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