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I stood near the bar, my fingers wrapped around a glass of whiskey, pretending to nurse it while keeping a keen eye on the bustling scene around me.

People were dancing, singing, and generally caught up in the chaos, blissfully unaware of what was about to unfold.

I brought the glass to my lips, the condensation from the ice cubes outside making my fingers tingle. A drop slid down the glass and stained my red dress. I couldn't take my eyes off it. That would be the only mark on my dress tonight. No one's blood is getting near this dress.

Laughter erupted from the club's entrance, and I turned my head slowly, my heart racing at the sight of his face. My anger surged briefly, but I composed myself, downing the rest of my drink.

Diego Martinez and his crew talked to the bouncer, who guarded the entrance to the VIP section. I knew the layout well. One door connected the VIP section to the nightclub, and a hefty bouncer guarded it. The only other exit was inside the VIP room.

I'd done my homework.

I left my empty glass on the bar, ran my fingers through my wild blond hair, and headed straight for the VIP section. As expected, the bouncer blocked my path, giving me a cold stare.

"VIP guests only," he said firmly.

"I am a VIP," I responded.


I smiled, leaned closer, and whispered, pulling a gun from my thigh holster concealed beneath my dress. I held it against his stomach and squeezed the trigger twice.

He stiffened, grunted, and slowly slumped to the floor. I checked to ensure no one had noticed before pushing his lifeless body against the wall.

I entered the VIP section and passed through velvety red curtains, revealing a room filled with people gambling at oval tables. I scanned the crowd for Diego, noticing his men outside another secret room.

They didn't see me coming. Thanks to the silencer, the other guests remained oblivious.

I parted the curtains and walked in, spotting Diego and three others gambling. They turned toward me, confusion in their eyes, but before they could react, I shot them down one by one.

Diego raised his hands in surrender, shock in his eyes.

"Mario! Carlos! F-fuck!" he yelled, but his bodyguards were already dead.

"What do you want?" he stammered.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked.

He squinted, then closed his eyes, giving up.

"I don't know! I don't fucking know, I swear! What do you want?"

I chuckled. "Would you bring back the lives you've taken if I asked?"

His lower lip trembled, and I raised my gun, aiming at his head.

"You can never give me what I want." I slowly press my finger on the trigger.

Outside, the commotion grew louder. Time was running out.

"Para la familia Dellamonica,"

I pulled the trigger, a sickening thud filling the air. Blood splattered on my dress, and I sighed in annoyance.

"Fuck," I muttered.

Loud voices neared from outside the room, and I had to make my exit. I glanced around and found the exit door in the corner. I ran for it, opening it just as the voices entered.

I slipped out and sprinted down a dimly lit alleyway. The police sirens and people's screams faded as I got farther from the club.

My getaway car waited a few blocks away. I got in and drove back to my apartment.

A smile crept across my face. Diego Martinez was dead-four down, one to go.

I'm coming for you Luca Diesta.

You'll pay for erasing my family's name from this world. I'll destroy everything and everyone you love until there's nothing left.

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