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I settled into the chair, shifting closer to the table. The burner laptop was open, and I grabbed the headphones lying nearby, slipping them over my head and ears.

Muffled voices floated in the background, but I adjusted the headphones until they felt just right.

With a press of a button, the voices became clear.

"That's not an option. They're making the drop in that warehouse and I need those supplies," Kaden insisted.

My bug under his desk was working perfectly, letting me eavesdrop on their private conversation.

"It's too risky. The warehouse isn't secure. Anything could go wrong," AJ argued.

Kaden laughed, the sound filling the room and my headphones.

"Nothing will happen. Pedro's men are guarding the place, and my men will focus on my safety."

"But, Kaden—"

"AJ." The room fell silent after Kaden said AJ's name.

I held my breath, fearing they might discover the hidden device.

"Okay, fine, whatever you say, boss," AJ conceded.

That was my cue. I closed the laptop, removed the headphones, and stared at the opposite wall, deep in thought.

Warehouse. Eastern Dale, 124 line highway. Supplier: Pedro. Guns. Lots of guns.

No problem.

It was time to step out of the shadows and act. A new enemy would catch them off guard.

While they worried about this mysterious foe, I'd stay close to Kaden, slowly climbing the ladder toward Luca.

I had a different plan in mind for Luca once I was done with Kaden. He'd get what he deserved soon enough.


I silently made my way up to the upper floor, slipping into the shadows. Luckily, the lighting up there was dim, providing the perfect cover. Dressed entirely in black, I blended seamlessly with the darkness. Gently placing my 52' black sniper sled drag bag on the floor, I crouched down and retrieved the sniper rifle concealed inside.

From my vantage point, I had a clear view of the empty warehouse below. Three black SUVs pulled in through the large entrance, and I observed the cars closely while loading my gun.

The vehicles came to a halt in the middle of the warehouse, and a group of men stepped out, guarding the cars. I recognized them instantly as Kaden's men. And there he was, the devil himself, emerging from the second SUV, his grin echoing his sinister reputation. As if on cue, five more SUVs rumbled in through the entrance.

Carefully, I set up my rifle on the bipod, adjusting my position before lying flat on my stomach. Closing one eye, I peered through the gunsight, zooming in on Kaden's face. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

I shifted my aim towards the other cars and saw a tall man step out, his dark hair cascading over his shoulders. He wore a black outfit adorned with gold rings and a silver chain hanging from his chest.

Steadying my breathing, I lightly pressed the trigger, my head slightly tilted to the side.

Although I couldn't hear their conversation, I understood the purpose of their meeting. Kaden and the man, presumably Pedro, exchanged words before Pedro turned to one of his men.

A loud noise from the warehouse entrance diverted my attention. I turned to see a white truck reversing in. The truck came to a stop in front of Kaden, and Pedro's men opened the trunk. I zoomed in, confirming that the truck was loaded with an arsenal of weapons, especially guns.

AJ, suddenly appeared beside Kaden. They approached the truck, examining the weapons closely.

My finger itched to pull the trigger, but I resisted the urge. I knew it wasn't the right moment.

It wasn't time yet.

Taking the shot now would be too risky. Both of Kaden's men were scanning the room vigilantly. I needed perfect timing.

They took their time checking out the guns in the truck. Then, Kaden turned to Pedro, grinning. One of his men stepped forward, holding a dark black briefcase.

He opened it, revealing stacks of hard cash inside.

Kaden was restocking armory weapons from Pedro. So, that's what he meant by making the drop here.


Pedro took the money and shook Kaden's hand, clearly satisfied. But not for long.

While Pedro was still shaking Kaden's hand, I pulled the trigger. The gunshot echoed through the warehouse.

The bullet hit his chest dead center, and he dropped to the floor. While Kaden and the others were still recovering from the shock, I swiftly packed up my gear.

I had twenty seconds to pack my rifle and ten more to escape.

"Up there!" someone shouted from below, and I just managed to duck down in time as bullets whizzed past my head.

Gunshots and shouts filled the room. I stood up, hugging the drag bag against my chest, taking cover behind the wall.

Bullets hit the wall behind me.

"Get that son of a bitch," someone yelled. My eyes widened in panic as I saw Kaden's men climbing the narrow staircase to reach me.

I pulled a black bandana from around my neck and covered my face with it.

I drew my gun from my thigh holster and shot the men climbing the stairs. I started running towards the exit.

My first shot took down the first man, but the others retaliated immediately, following me.

I slung the drag bag over my shoulder and sprinted down the dark hallway I had come from. Their footsteps and loud voices echoed after me.

Bullets hit the ground behind my steps. I twisted around, firing back.

I spotted the secret door ahead and rushed towards it.

But one of their bullets grazed my arm, and I stumbled. Clutching the bleeding spot, I forced myself to keep going.

They were right behind me. Their footsteps and voices were so close; the hairs on my neck stood on edge.

I grabbed the handle and pushed through the door. I jumped down to the ground, pain shooting up from both my ankles.

The car was parked right outside. I hurried around and jumped into the driver's seat. I fumbled with the keys, hearing their voices from above.

Once the car finally started, I stepped on the gas and sped away from the warehouse. Bullets hit the roof of the car, but they barely got me.

Once I knew I was far away enough, I finally looked at my injured arm.

The bullet had torn the flesh open, but thankfully, it hadn't hit anything vital. Blood kept flowing, and I started feeling lightheaded.

The good thing was, I was almost home. I could take care of the wound myself once I got there since all my supplies and first aid were there. I didn't trust hospitals these days; it was better if I took care of myself.

Despite the injury, I felt satisfied with how the mission had gone. Pedro was dead, and now Kaden knew he had a new threat.

I had made my mark today, one that would keep him on edge until I finished him and his damn father off for good.

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