"What does that make me?" I asked the brunette seated close beside me.
She grinned, trailing her finger down my chest, and I watched her with a dazed expression.
"Somebody I'd be up for some fun with," she purred in my ear, which annoyed me.
Nope, that wasn't what I had in mind.
She fell into the trap too easily, and this was just too simple. Besides, brunettes weren't my type; I preferred blondes.
I shrugged her hand away and leaned toward the table, grabbing a shot. Downing the amber liquid in one go, I clicked my fingers in her face.
"Get up." Her expression immediately soured, confusion masking her face.
"Wait, what?"
"Stand up and leave. Go have some fucking fun somewhere else." She scoffed, grabbing her small bag from the table and making her exit.
"Whatever, asshole," she muttered loudly enough for the entire group to hear before sauntering away.
I rested my arm on the booth seat and leaned my head back. The nightclub was more crowded than usual, probably because it was Saturday night.
Glancing to my right, I saw Ben leaning over the table, snorting a thin line of cocaine through his nose.
AJ sat quietly beside him, vaping. The thick cloud of smoke dissipated into the air before disappearing entirely.
Our routine was pretty much the same every Saturday night, just like always.
We did the same things every day, encountered the same old faces, and indulged in the same toxic shit to make us feel good.
Ben suddenly looked at me, his pupils dilated.
"Dude, what's the fucking problem? That's like the fifth girl you've sent away tonight."
AJ turned toward me but remained silent. I sighed and poured another shot.
"You guys seriously need to up your game when it comes to women. All the girls you've invited over are so fucking boring. Aren't you tired of hitting that same piece of ass every day? Fucking losers."
Ben chuckled, slinging his arm around my shoulder.
"Alright, give us some guidance then, and we'll help you out. What kind of girl are you really looking for?"
I kept my eyes fixed on the dance floor below as I sipped my drink.
"Someone who's not as easy as those prissy little sluts from earlier."
From the corner of my eye, I caught AJ smirking, and I turned to look at him.
"Oh, so you want a challenge?" Ben said, and I smirked at him.
Finally, he was catching on. If only he'd ease up on the coke a bit, maybe he'd come up with smarter answers next time.
"Did you hear that, AJ? Let's find the boss someone who can challenge him."
I cringed at the term 'boss.' Even though he was just joking, I hated it when they referred to me that way. Like suddenly, I was someone they should always respect.
With anyone else, it might be fine, but not with AJ and Ben. These guys were my best friends, and we treated each other the same, regardless of me being the boss's son.
I despised receiving special treatment from them. I was just Kaden when we were together. To everyone else, I was Luca Diesta's son, someone to fear and respect at all times.

عاطفيةIn the shadows of a criminal empire, Stephanie Dellamonica, the sole survivor of her family's brutal massacre, emerges as a formidable force. Raised and trained by Steven Gray, a former consigliere of her family, she transforms into a lethal weapon...