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I looked out of the little window in the aeroplane, i smiled, i was excited to go back home, i was missing my home especially my bestfriend, my childhood bestfriend, he was with me almost all my life but than i had to move away and we lost all our connections and after 5 years, i was finally going back home, i was excited to meet him.

I closed my eyes drowning myself in my memories till i had landed.

"Home" I whispered as i was finally out of the airport and was greeted by a big hug by my mother, who was near tears after seeing her dear daughter after 5 years.

The way back home, the car never went quite, all of us had so much to say like, i had to say all about living in another country, my brother had to tell be all about how his life was going, my parents had to say of how their life was going, how much they missed me, how much the place had changed and how excited my close relatives will be to see me again and that they organized a little dinner for us.

I smiled, it was an overwhelming amount of happiness, all dumped at once, there were so many places i wanted to go once again like my old school, my favorite restaurant, my favorite to hang out when i am feeling bad, my room, there so many people i wanted to see like, my cousins, my aunts, my uncles, my friends.

We had reached home, The smile on my face just couldn't fade away, the day was too good to be true.

"Go Meet your friends because after an hour, your relatives and us are going out!" urged my mom.

I smiled as i finally saw him, we were standing on his rooftop, he looked so pretty, even after so many years he looked just as handsome as ever, he had same mesmerizing brown eyes, the fluffy black hair, the same face of beauty, no but, if beauty had a face, it would be him.

"Hi!" I started breaking the ice.
"Am Hi." He replied, i frowned that tone of voice just didn't seem right, he seemed nervous, his eyes were not looking into mine like they did.

"You forgot me, didn't you? Do you even remember my name?" i joked, smiling.

He didn't reply, i held my breath believing the fact that he will reply but he didn't, he kept quite, my heart started to beat an unexplainable speed, i didn't know what to do.

I tried to keep the same smile but i couldn't, i said,"Say my name."

He didn't, he didn't even try, he didn't even try to maybe fix maybe apologize, yes i might had been very angry but sooner or later i would have forgive him if he had asked but he didn't even reply.

I rest my hand near my chest trying to calm myself from the nightmare, i urged,
"Say my name."

He didn't reply.

"You" i asked, trying my best not to cry thinking he was just joking around but who was going to tell me that he was not, he was not joking...

"You You forgot us? Atleast not in someother way but as a friend that you grew up with, the friend that tried to give you everything? that helped you when you got your heart broken? that was with you your whole life? that literally with whom you were like that two opposite sides of a magnet? Tell me you are joking even if you are not, i didn't expected this from you..." I confessed, about to Leave.

He help my wrist, i almost had a spark of hope that he was still just joking, i turned around.

"Distance brings fondness but guess not with us, I'm Sorry." He said, i yanked my hand out of his and left.

I didn't look back, he didn't even try to call out for me maybe a magic suddenly would have happened and he would have called my name but he didn't...

I left, i never tried to talk to him again even when he turned up to my door, i closed the door forever.

The stars in the sky that we had matched had fallen down and so had we, there was no going back, once stars fall they never rise again...


The "say my name" thing, y'all probably know where that came from, someone told me to write about it andbi was like why not, well...idk

Thank you so much for 23 views on my first story and the 13-12 views on the two other.


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