75. #UtahimeWeek2024 : Flip

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#UtahimeWeek2024 Day 3 : Senpai + Office AU


Mai, Momo and Arata come to work very early today to prepare for an important meeting with the company's director this evening

"Nitta-san, can you make five copies of this poster? It's for the board directors", Momo asks Arata for help

"Sure, I will do it quickly", Arata takes the material and leaves to the printing room

The clock on the wall has struck 8:48 a.m. Momo glances at the two empty chairs behind her desk

Mai also notices, hence she asks. "I know he will be late again," pointing at the desk with name plate, Gojo Satoru, "but where is the new intern? Today is her first day"

Mai only asks because she knows Momo and the intern went to the same college. They have a close senpai-kouhai relationship

"You mean Miwa-chan? She-", before Momo can explain, the new intern ran through the door

"Sorry, I'm late!", Miwa pants for air. Acknowledging her mistake as a newcomer, Miwa bows down. "I'm so sorry, I missed the train this morning. I will not be late again"

Momo sighs in relief

"It's okay, you've still got 3 minutes. Go take your seat", Mai says, also walking back to her desk - Mai is responsible to supervise interns in their department

Miwa walks towards her desk. She notices the worker who sits in front of her hasn't turn up yet

As soon as the clock hits 9 a.m. the door flings open again

"Good morning! Rise and shine!", someone sings as he walks into the office

But nobody says hello back to him

"Oh, come on. What's with the mood? I'm not late today", Gojo pouts

Mai scoffs. "You are just lucky Iori-san comes in a little late today"

"Oh, she's not here yet?", he sits down, calm. His eyes then meet Miwa's. "Oh, look here! A newbie"

"He- hello. I'm Miwa Kasumi, the new intern here"

Gojo nods. "Yeah, yeah, I heard Utahime talking about you"

"Iori-san did?", Miwa gets hit by an adrenaline rush. What could the department manager be talking about behind her back?

"No worries, they are all good things", Gojo shoves his hand in the air

Miwa smiles, feeling relieved

"Anyway, why is everyone so busy in the morning?", he says, drinking melon juice he bought on the way to work

"We have meeting with board directors this evening, Gojo-san. Don't tell me you forget about it", Momo replies

"Hell, no. How could I forget about it? It's an important one"

"Glad you know. Did you get the proposal done?", Mai asks

"Of course! I sent it to Utahime this morning"

Mai and Momo roll their eyes, sighing

"Better than never, I guess"


The hinge makes a loud creaking sound when someone pushes the door open with force

Mai and Momo automatically stand up and Miwa follows suit. Gojo remains seated in his chair

"Good morning, Iori-san", Mai greets

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