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Ddot and I decided to go chick fil a after my appointment because a bitch was hungry

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Ddot and I decided to go chick fil a after my appointment because a bitch was hungry. I got my 12 count and large fry with a lemonade.
"what else we doing bae" ddot asks while biting into his chicken sandwhich
"wym" i say
"like anything else baby wise" he says
"ohh no not till the first appointment which ain't until bout a week so"
"oh okay and tmr you and nelly going house hunting, and eva" he asks
"yup , you wanna go sense you finna live there too?" i ask. I didn't wanna buy a house and then ddot not like it if he was going to live there
"uhh sure i'll come" ddot smiles before reviving a call on his phone from Jamara.
"wassup sis" ddot answered
"darriannn, wassup mh"
"chillin wit AJ rn, what ya called me for" he asked
"hey aubreyyy" she says with a high pitched scream
"heyyy" i match energy
"ava's dad is no where to be found and i have to go to a photo shoot in like a hour and it goes on till 6"
"i hate that fuck ass nigga" ddot says
"ay chill, but can y'all come baby sit, PLEASEE" jamara emphasizes the please
"alr we coming, oh and we got sum to tell you" ddot says and turns to me in the car
"oh shi is it bad, i need no bad news" jamara says
"no you gonna freak out girl" i say laughing
"okay, let me get ava situated i'll see y'all in a minute" jamara says
"alr love ya" ddot says
"LUH YOU" jamara says
"LUB UU" ava yells after her
Me and ddot laugh before hanging up.
"yeah i love jamara and ava, but i need to finish my sandwich" ddot says biting into it again
"a damn shame" i laugh

In like 5 minutes we were on the way to the house which was about a 10 minute drive. We got out the car and knocked on the door and Jamara answered.
"HEY BABYYY" she wrapped her arms around me tightly
"HEYY MAR MAR" i hug her back
"may i please step inside" ddot mugs us but jamara flicks him on the forehead making me chuckle
"you wanna laugh" ddot turns to me smirking
"sir no sir" i stand straight up and salute making ddot laugh.
We go inside and as soon as i step in ava screams from the couch.
"DARIIIII" ava runs towards ddot and ddot swings her up off the ground
"hey nugget" ddot says smiling
" ITS PWETTY" ava points at me kickin
"hey avaaa" i wave to her
"baby do you know her name or you just gonna call her pretty" jamara says
"name pwease"
"her name AJ nug" ddot says
"okay hi pwetty aj" ava waves
"whew jesus" jamara smiles
"she act like you mara" i say
"ik ik, but ay what y'all had to tell me" jamara leans on the counter
"oh righttt" ddot puts ava on the floor so she can go back to the living room
"ok soo" jamara says
"we having a baby" me and ddot say at the same time
Jamara jaw dropped and she put her hand over her mouth
"no, stop pranking" she said
"where the cameras" she looked around
"GIRL" i laugh
"OH MY GAWWWWWWWD, AHHHHH" jamara screams
"AHHHH" ava yells after her mother
"marie what ya yelling at" jamara says laughing
"idk mommy yelled" she giggled
"i'm so happyyy, imma have a lil niece" jamara hugs me
"and you nasty lil boy why you puttin yo private areas in my baby" jamara hugs me pointing at ddot making me laugh
"we'll really it was her that wanted to- ALR SHUT UP" i cut him off
"oo- not my AJ bein a lil freaka link" jamara giggles
"ian really do that muchh" i scratch my head
"tuh" ddot says grinning at me and i grin at him
"hey it's a baby in this house don't be doin nuna that nonsense" jamara says
"we not we not" ddot says smiling
"alr i gotta go let me tell ava bye bye" jamara shuffles off to grab her purse and goes into the living room
"talm bout you ain't do that much" ddot nudges my shoulder
"i didntttt" i say
"girl you did a damn split, and you kept suckin after i finished, WHO THE HELL DOES THAT" ddot says
"me" i stick out my tounge
"now i can't have that for 9 months" ddot says dramaticly
"trust i'll make it work" i say grinning
"ouu i like the sound of that" he says

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