chapter 3: a new life + new home

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Can I do this at the start of every chapter of this story?

Emman and Jimmy: in the last story chapters...

It shows on Jimmy's orb when izuku was betrayed by everyone

Jimmy Kellogg: poor izuku was betrayed by most of his classmates.

Emman: yeah and to make matters worse.

Then It shows izuku's girlfriend loved him only for his money And cheated on him with his best friend

Emman: yeah and he was betrayed by his mentor just like me...

And then it shows izuku gets attacked by the traitors

Jimmy Kellogg: yeah and those bastards send izuku to jail without a trial.

And then it shows izuku sharing a cell with the hero killer stain and him revealing that he had an abusive father and he was bullied by people at an orphanage and him having a family killed by a fake hero and that's why be became hero killer

Emman: I still feel bad for him even though he is a villain but... Goddamn.

And then it showed inko and all might arguing

Jimmy Kellogg: and then inko divorced ass might and then that bastard showed his true colors.

It shows all might revealing that he never cared about his family and izuku and broke inko's heart

Jimmy Kellogg: and then dick might broke up with inko and disown izumi.

Emman: and now... let's go and start the chapter!!

(Scene cuts Tartarus in the middle of the night)

And Then it shows izuku sharing a cell with the hero killer stain and so far most guards actually started to believe izuku was innocent and then some criminals actually started to respect izuku because some of them believed that izuku was framed by the league of villains but even though...

izuku is still heartbroken and furious on how most people at UA betrayed him and then his so-called girlfriend cheated on him with his bastard so called best friend shoto and even though sometimes had nightmares about the traitors and how they betrayed him

But stain was always there to comfort him whenever something is wrong with him.

Izuku POV:*still feeling heart broken* I still can't believe it!! My so-called friends and father betrayed me like that!! I wish they would just die!!!*start sobbing*

Stain: hey kid! Are you feeling alright?

Izuku: well no... Ever since those bastards turn their back on me... I'm still having nightmares about them killing my mom, my little sister, and the students that didn't betray me!!*starts sobbing*

Stain:*sigh* it's okay... I'm still sorry that happened to you.

Izuku:*sniff* thank you stain...

Stain: no problem. You want the top bunk?

Izuku: sure I guess...

Emman: don't worry! You won't have to suffer here anymore!!


Emman: it's me Emman!

Izuku: stay away from me!!

Stain: izuku what's going on?

Izuku: some guy is in my cell!

Emman: don't worry izuku! We're not going to harm you.

Izuku: you're not going to harm me? And what do you mean we're?

Emman: oh yeah! I brought somebody with me! *points to Jimmy Kellogg*

Jimmy Kellogg:*comes out of the portal* hello izuku.

Izuku: who are you two?

Emman: oh it's simple my name is Emmanuel B Zalgo!*starts describing himself* Trillionaire, former evil hell Lord, son of an evil entity that wants to destroy the multiverse, leader of the menly men and... Brother of Jimmy Kellogg!!

Jimmy Kellogg:*sigh* Emmanuel I like how you view me like your brother. But I'm not.

Emman: but Jimmy you have a brother that actually cares about you. :)

Jimmy Kellogg:*sigh* okay then...*turns to izuku* don't worry kid we're going to get you out of here.

Izuku: but how all the guards will think I'm gone.

Emman: no they won't!*brings a robot that looks like izuku* well kid! me and the manly men create a robotic version of you while you can live out the rest of your life outside bars.

Izuku: okay then.*turns to stain* but what about him? He's been the most nicest person to me in this jail he even protected me from other inmates.

Stain: don't worry about me izuku. Go live the rest of your life as you can. This is my new home I have no place outside anymore.

Izuku: okay then.

Emman:so izuku...are you ready to come with us?

And then at izuku looked at stain while he was waving goodbye

Izuku: yeah let's go.

And then Emmanuel opened up a portal which led to Jimmy Kellogg, Emman and Izuku leaving

Stain POV: good luck izuku...

Meanwhile with Jimmy Kellogg, izuku and Emman

Jimmy Kellogg, Emman and Izuku went to a nearby alley to hide

Emman: so where do you want to stay izuku?

Izuku: well I don't know...

Jimmy Kellogg: well izuku... you can stay with me...

Izuku: I can?

Emman: sure he can. I mean he has about 50 kids.

Jimmy Kellogg: yep so izuku? You want to stay with me?

Izuku: okay then.

Emman:*opens up a portal to Jimmy's dimension*

Jimmy Kellogg:*holding izuku's hand and walks to the portal*

And while they went to the portal Emman though of something

Emman POV: Jimmy... It's great to have a brother figure like you. :)

Meanwhile with Inko

Inko was just putting away some of izuku's stuff and then she sees a all might onesie

Inko POV: oh my baby boy... I'm going to miss you...


Inko:*when she was thin**playing a damsel in destress* oh help me!

Izumi:*playing the villain* you can't defeat me!

Young Izuku:*in a all might onesie* but I can!

Izumi: oh no it's all might!

Young Izuku: that's right! I am here!*pretends punches izumi* Detroit SMASH!

Izumi: oh no I am defeated!*pretend she's knocked out*

Inko: oh thank you all might!

Izuku: don't worry Miss you are saved!

*Flashback ends*

And then when inko's flashback ends she started sobbing

Inko: oh izuku... I'm going to miss you!!*burst into tears*

Izumi:*shows up and comforts inko* we're both going to miss izuku...*Sob's quietly*

And then they both went to sleep but still cannot forget the happy memories they had with izuku

I hope you all like this chapter and if you did please give it a vote and a good comment that's all for now folks I love you guys from the bottom of my heart and Emmanuel out!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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