Chapter 16: Tri Plaigh Uladh

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"Little Champion"

Chapter 16: Tri Plaigh Uladh

Connla anxiously peeled the bag off over whatever was inside it, finally revealing what its contents were. No one could believe what they were looking at. Everyone was momentarily stunned by what the item was, unable to comprehend how someone as malicious and destructive as Cuchulainn could give something that was so... unusually...


"Ahhh! It's a dowwie!" Fial exclaimed elatedly. "The scawy guy gave you a dowwie!"

Indeed, it was a doll. Not just any doll though. It was the ever-familiar Mini Cu plush that was always associated with Cuchulainn Alter. It sat there on Connla's lap with that typical grumpy glare framed with a single charming fang, wielding a miniature purple Gae Bolg and dragging its long spiked tail around.

"Um... What's going on here?" Connla wondered, looking totally stupefied as she carefully inspected the plush from all angles. She simply couldn't understand why Cuchulainn wanted to deliver this... thing to her.

"I have no idea," Fir murmured. "Is that what the scary guy is supposed to look like?"

"Yeah, but way, way more frightening than this..."

"Hmmmm," Emer mumbled curiously to herself. "Could there be something inside it?"

"I don't think so," Connla replied as she squeezed it several times to feel for anything suspicious within the stuffing. "I'm not sensing any sort of traps or secret Runes planted on it either. For all intents and purposes, it's just your average, everyday doll."

"Why on Earth would Cu give you such a present? Is it your birthday?"

"I don't even know what my birthday is. Teacher just told me to use the first day of the new year to gauge how old I am. Besides, how would Cuchulainn have found that out when he was gone for so long?"


"It's cute! Maybe a wittle scawy wooking, but still cute!" Fial chirped as she took her turn holding it. "You shouwd keep it!"

"Really?" Connla wondered. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not. It certainly looked harmless, but given who it was that gave it to her, she had her reservations. She faced Emer and asked, "What do you think?"

Emer likewise took a closer look at the plush, then suggested, "Every single one of my instincts is telling me to get rid of it. But I'm also worried about whether or not that will invoke Cu's anger. I have no idea if we might wind up setting him off if we throw away a gift he went through so much trouble to bring to you."

"That's what I figured."

"Even though it's against my better judgment, I think you should hang on to it. Just keep it tied to your belt or something during your travels. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, so long as it makes him happy."

"I guess so," Connla mumbled as she took it from Emer.

The woman let out an exhausted huff and said, "Well, now! I think it's safe to say the excitement's over now. It's past dinner, so I should make us some soup before we turn in for the night. Would you children like to help me so we can get it done faster?"

"'Kay!" the twins exclaimed together, and they bounded straight for the kitchen. Connla didn't respond, but likewise followed them. She left the doll behind on the chair for now, so no one paid it any mind as they worked together to prepare supper.

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