Fool's Paradise

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Blinded by her enchanting, deceptive allure,
I danced on the tightrope of false affection,
A whimsical dream, a desperate infatuation,
Forgetting the pain that love had once bore.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days,
Lost in the maze of her bewitching ways,
I chased shadows and mirages, longing to stay,
In a love that would never falter or sway.

Yet as time wore on, cracks began to appear,
In the facade of perfection, her mask starting to sear,
Behind those mesmerizing eyes, I sensed the fear,
That she too, had been wounded, betrayed by love's spear.

Her promises were but sweetly sung lullabies,
Intoxicating whispers that clouded my mind,
In the depths of her arms, I thought I would find,
A love that would forever silence my cries.

But beneath her delicate touch, a venom seeped,
A toxic brew of lies, secrets, and deceit,
She played the puppeteer, pulling every string,
Leaving my heart tangled, a marionette on a string.

Like a mirage shimmering on desert sands,
She vanished into the abyss, leaving me broken,
Reality revealed, my heart's tender token,
A fool once again, taken by love's deceitful demands.

As I pick up the pieces and nurse my wounded pride,
I realize that love's journey is never a smooth ride,
But beneath the scars and the hurt, I find strength inside,
To move forward, to let go, no longer to hide.

In the ashes of deception, I rise from the dust,
A phoenix reborn, with a newfound trust,
For though love may be fickle, leaving hearts to rust,
It's the lessons learned that shape us and teach us, we must.

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