☁️ ~ Kokichi's pukeness ~ ☁️

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*Kokichi wakes up to feel very ill*

Uhh..I feel very sick.


*No one responds back*

Oh..h-he's probably sleeping..?

*kokichi gets up and heads to the garbage*

*kokichi pukes*

Pleh! *cough cough*


*kokichi continues to puke*


Thats disgusting..

*kokichi goes to Shuichis room unwell*


*kokichi knocks and opens the door*


I- I don't feel well..

*Shuichi wakes up in confusion*

O-ouma? W-What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in bed?

I- I.. don't feel good and puked.

Kokichi.. Are you fine tho?


*Shuichi carries ouma downstairs*

*Shuichi puts kokichi in bed*


I'll be right back ouma. I Need to use the restroom.

*kokichi nods*


*Shuichi uses the bathroom*

*a few minutes later*

*Shuichi comes back downstairs*

Hey ouma im back-


Oh hes sleeping.

I'll go make some soup..and leave a side of milk.

*Shuichi goes to the kitchen*


*Shuichi wakes up ouma*

Come on ouma I made you soup.

Huh.. ouma said.

Mm..I hate soup, and milk.

Ouma... you have to take it.


*Shuichi feeds ouma*


Pleh! Yuck..

Ouma you'll like it often.


I won't.. ouma said angrily.

*Shuichi giggles*

Whatever then.

*kokichi chugs the glass of milk*

Here, ur done now!

Yeah.. it was a nasty and disgusting experience.

Okay ouma, time to get some rest.

Okay.. Kokichi said

*kokichi gets some rest*

Word count: 248.

Word count: 248

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Thank you for reading!! 😁

𝑲𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊'𝒔 𝑺𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 {𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐦𝐚}Where stories live. Discover now